@Islanders de New York

Les insulaires de New York NE PORTERONT PAS de chandails et de bandes LGBTQ PRIDE NIGHT ! Woke NHL prend un autre L !

Les insulaires de New York NE PORTERONT PAS de chandails et de bandes LGBTQ PRIDE NIGHT ! Woke NHL prend un autre L ! Cela fait suite au stand des Rangers de New York et d’Ivan Provorov.


  1. Most guys would prefer not to wear such attire because they aren't sexually attracted to other men although they may not want to tell other people who to date. Good for these guys! Nobody should be forced to wear pro-gay attire unless they want to.

  2. Not a hockey fan nor ever have been, but I applaud this more than almost anything else than I can think of in sports! Besides rejecting big V, I can't think of any move bigger in sports!

  3. Nice! We need this rebellion in every team and sports industry on every level!

  4. WTF does (sexual preferences) have to do with hockey or any sport?!!?
    Friggin RIDICULOUS!… enough of this BS… mad props on ANYONE and any organization that stands their ground and upholds their beliefs wtvr they may be! Well done 👍
    Shove your bs propaganda

  5. Good. Bc they should not promote anything or anyone that wants to trash them. And I will wear the Ivan Provorov t-shirt to show support.

  6. The thing with Hockey, which is not the same for the other pro leagues here… a large % of players are NOT AMERICAN. Majority are from Canada, some from Russia, Sweden, Finland, Germany and other countries where this woke stuff will disgust them and their religions. NBA and NFL are almost all Americans, and MLB has a high % of players from south of the border, and you may see similar pushback as many of them are of the RC faith.. People forget that when the NHL won't bend a knee to the woke.. because most of the players really just don't give a D.

  7. Who would have thought that hokey would be the sport to stand up to this bs huh?👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Pride always comes before the fall.

  8. Don't forget coach Tortorella took Provorov's back and put his ass on the woke line. And you know how much wokers love ass!😘

  9. …don’t we have a verbal social contact that says – I won’t force my religion on you, and you keep that lgbt horseshit to yourselves???

  10. This movment needs to acknowledge that garbage will not fit into the way of life people want in some areas of the country like or not. Its time they move the hell on.

  11. They have had more than a more or two That has to be more than enough. People gave had enough of their pushy 🐎💩

  12. Good for them.
    Besides. The NHL doesn’t care about lgbtq. All they want is to sell tickets and maybe a couple rainbow jerseys. It’s all about the mighty dollar. Don’t be fooled.

  13. The objective of the LGBT does not seek equality, it seeks the extintion of heteros and the family institution.
    Don't let it happen.
    It will be the doom of civilization.

  14. Pride night in black history month , I’m shocked nobody said anything

  15. 63 yr OLD dude from Cincinnati here who’s never been into hockey that much but after these guys are standing up to the GAYstopo makes me wanna drive 90 miles up to Columbus Blue Jackets every game to support the NHL!

  16. They are still taking your money you spent on hockey and giving it to people just because of who they have sex with. Sick

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