@Avalanche du Colorado

[Baugh] Ne vous attendez pas à une suspension pour Jeff Carter aujourd’hui. Le DOPS était d’accord avec les arbitres et considérait le jeu comme plus une collision qu’un coup sûr. Informations mises à jour ici :

[Baugh] Ne vous attendez pas à une suspension pour Jeff Carter aujourd’hui. Le DOPS était d’accord avec les arbitres et considérait le jeu comme plus une collision qu’un coup sûr. Informations mises à jour ici :



  1. jcbk1373

    An intentional accidental collision. You see it all the time.

  2. Level_Watercress1153

    Well unfortunately we all saw that coming. Next time we play them, I suspect someone to play patty cake with his face

  3. hockeyandhalloween

    If Dermy hit Crosby the same way I bet he’d be suspended.

  4. Gen_Jack_Ripper

    Neat. Someone needs to make this the norm and use this as justification.

  5. VegasAvsFan

    I got down voted in r/hockey and all I said is I didnt like the hit but I only expected a fine at worst bc there was no call and I said the NHL doesnt care about player safety.

  6. jnolan3321

    I have to say the refs and the DOPS made the right call.

    Illegal Check to the Head – A hit resulting in contact with an opponent’s head where the head was the main point of contact and such contact to the head was avoidable is not permitted. In determining whether contact with an opponent’s head was avoidable, the circumstances of the hit including the following shall be

    (i) Whether the player attempted to hit squarely through the opponent’s body and the head was not « picked » as a result of poor timing, poor angle of approach, or unnecessary extension of the body upward or outward.

    (ii) Whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position by assuming a posture that made head contact on an otherwise full body check unavoidable.

    (iii) Whether the opponent materially changed the position of his body or head immediately prior to or simultaneously with the hit in a way that significantly contributed to the head contact.

    If you watch the video Carter skated in a straight line. Makar was leaning right, then proceeded to follow the bouncing puck and turn and skate left. When Makar started to go left he inadvertently put his torso and head in Carters path. Had Makar not turned to his left when he did there would have been no contact. According to the rulebook this falls under the third category

  7. freddyt55555

    >viewed the play as more a collision than a hit.

    Fuck off, DOPS. When does the « S » part of DOPS come into play in your fucking jobs?

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