@Flames de Calgary

Le défenseur des Flames Rasmus Andersson a été heurté par un véhicule

Le défenseur des Flames Rasmus Andersson a été heurté par un véhicule



  1. Sufficient-Cookie404

    Seriously?!? This team has the shittiest luck ever

  2. ArnieAndTheWaves


    But seriously, glad it sounds like he’s okay. This could have been a lot worse.

  3. CrocVision-505

    Can’t have shit in Detroit

  4. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    This is terrible but I can’t help but laugh at it a little too since I know he’s okay

  5. CaptinDerpI

    Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

    Thank god he’s ok

  6. SauronOMordor

    Christ, Flames SM! Don’t open with that!

    So glad he is okay!

  7. mackeneasy

    You guys had to do the curse last year /s

  8. Longjumping-Fly8641

    First Trouba and now this. Seems the Flames are having troubles keeping their heads up while navigating traffic these days. Lol god damnit, hope he’s okay.

  9. CanadianRockx

    it’s Ras, if anything I’d be wondering if the car is okay

  10. Jugs-McBulge

    Jesus I thought I was going to read that he had died 😩

    I was once riding one of those scooters while in Phoenix. A car ran a stop sign while flooring it out of a parking lot nearly hit my friend and I. It was honestly pretty scary, but glad Ras is okay

  11. Impressive-Tie-2540

    Hockey related stuff aside, Hope he’s okay.

  12. Laurafla

    My heart LITERALLY stopped.

    Fuckin scooters. Fuckin Detroit.

  13. smokeotoks

    Sutter about to ban in season scootering

  14. Aelivs_xv_

    I saw this on IG and thought it was a PuckEmprie shitpost

  15. Straight-Plate-5256

    Man wtf is our luck this year, glad to hear it’s not too serious. Hope he recovered quick, and not because hockey.

  16. mojochicken11

    What kind of scooter was it? Like a razor scooter?

  17. Alphonze

    They really needed to open this tweet with « RAS IS OKAY but »

    When they give a timestamp like that to open the tweet I feel like I’m about to read that somebody died or is in critical condition.

  18. psubs07

    Gets hit by car: Day to day

    Anyone else: out for the season

  19. Candid_Chapter2221

    What a beast. Fucking day to day after being hit by a car

  20. yeastneast

    Lucic better fuckin fight that car

  21. snookigreentea

    god damn it trouba, leave that shit on the ice


    Nobody stepped up to fight the driver?

  23. RevolutionaryBite555

    Guess what’s next in the excluded activities clause in all future contracts?

  24. shadespellar

    This has to be the most humiliating way to be injured for a hockey player to get hit on a scooter 😆 dude is never going to live this one down in the locker room

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