@Blues de Saint-Louis

Arthur Staple sur Twitter: L’offre complète: #NYR obtient: Vladimir Tarasenko, Niko Mikkola STL obtient: Conditionnel 2023 1er tour, conditionnel 2024 4e, Sammy Blais, Hunter Skinner Le 1er: Moins de deux premiers #NYR Le 4e: Devient un 2024 3ème si #NYR fait les séries éliminatoires STL conserve 50% du cap hit de Tarasenko

Arthur Staple sur Twitter: L’offre complète: #NYR obtient: Vladimir Tarasenko, Niko Mikkola STL obtient: Conditionnel 2023 1er tour, conditionnel 2024 4e, Sammy Blais, Hunter Skinner Le 1er: Moins de deux premiers #NYR Le 4e: Devient un 2024 3ème si #NYR fait les séries éliminatoires STL conserve 50% du cap hit de Tarasenko



  1. minorthreat21

    This is a really really solid deal for an impending UFA. I’m very happy with it and glad that Army stuck to his guns and didn’t trade Tarasenko for pennies on the dollar.

  2. yazzywa

    Is it just me, or is this terribly underwhelming

  3. radsherm

    Yuck, that return. Glad we got a 1st, but Blais and Skinner are both awful, and we had to give up another one of our trade chips.

  4. shiftbeers

    Can someone explain to me how the conditional picks work?

  5. LordofPancakes93

    Considering the NMC I’m not mad about this haul. Basically Tarasenko for a 1st & drinking buddy for RobThom.

  6. I feel like we got fleeced here. Someone tell me I’m wrong about this.

    EDIT: Ok you guys sold me, it’s not that bad of a deal. I think I’m just sad :'(

  7. Groundedge

    So we also basically get a 3rd unless somehow the rangers collapse

    This is really solid based on the context

  8. PhusionBlues

    Mikkola has played 50 games this season, who’s supposed to step up to fill that? Blais is garbage albeit a cup winner. Gonna be real fun watching a bunch of 4th liners try to score rest of the seaeon

  9. weesna123

    He’s a rental, could’ve been better but this is just about the going rate. No one is giving up huge futures for rentals unless they’re getting a superstar/getting fleeced.

    Happy with the return, sad to see Vova go. That’s two null & void jerseys now 🙁

  10. ViceAdmiralHoldo

    This is essentially a first for Tarasenko and a third for Mikkola which seems about right.

  11. dixie12oz

    A first round (albeit probably low) pick in a stacked draft for a pending UFA that doesn’t want to be here is not bad. We weren’t going to do a lot better than that, especially when the player can limit where they go.

  12. PeteRoss

    Thank god my Blais jersey is relevant again

  13. fatginger71

    Sammy Blais helped us win the Cup…now he’ll help us get Bedard. Blues legend imo.

  14. the_dayman623

    1st + 3rd is better. Still feel a bit underwhelmed. Wish we could’ve gotten a better prospect and forgone the 3rd

  15. Hotshot55

    Well at least I can start saying « slammy plays from Sammy Blais » again

  16. Lemonlettuc

    Blues surgeons are STL enemy #1 lol

  17. RyanLovesTacoss

    Why is everyone shitting on Blais. Dude was an energy ball from what I remember. Great depth guy. Use the 1st round pick on a potential top liner.

  18. yungscorchbeast

    As much as it might pain some, I hope that the Rangers get knocked out early. First of all, our first round pick from them is better. Secondly, it would look better for us if they paid all that just to get first rounded.

  19. giraffeswillroam

    Sucks to lose Vlad. The conditional 1st rounder means no Bedard, anything short of a 1st rounder is a crapshoot at best and nothing significant to talk about. Maybe after years a 3rd or 4th rounder will turn into someone decent, but the star players you want almost always wind up being 1st rounders. 50% cap hit also sucks.

    Its obvious the Blues won’t make the playoffs, its obvious there’s some sort of rebuild/long term vision in mind, but its not even an all-in gamble for Bedard so prepare for disappointment and hope for some good news in a season or three.

  20. xXDireLegendXx

    Rangers fan here. Think overall it’s a fair deal on both sides. I know we’re happy for sure.

    One question tho, I see a lot of “Vova” to refer to Tarasenko…can someone clue me in?

  21. ModernLOCKE

    We’re retaining 50% of Tarasenko’s cap? What are the conditions on the picks? That matters if we’re eating that much to dish him.

  22. Spcone23

    I’m sad to see them go but I’m glad we’ve got Blais for a minute.

  23. dixie12oz

    Here’s my more detailed take on each piece in this trade. Let me preface this by saying this is only a bad deal if you sincerely believe the Blues are still in their compete now window this season. A big name being involved for not another big name tends to give some the false impression that it’s a bad deal.

    -Vladimir Tarasenko: He was going to be gone at the end of the season. He’s essentially an expensive rental at this time and when you’re not competitive, there’s no reason to keep somebody like that. We basically got a first rounder in a stacked draft for him, about the best you can expect for a rental. Add in the hidden potential benefit of opening up cap space for any potential opportunities at the trade deadline this season, especially if any of our other pending UFAs are gone.

    -Niko Mikkola: He’s a bottom pairing d-man and was gone at the end of the season. We basically got a low draft pick, about what you’d expect. Not a lot to say, it’s a small part of the deal.

    -Sammy Blais: Likely just a cap space move for NY. He’ll be a warm body and probably be gone at the end of the season. Not part of any long term plan.

    -Hunter Skinner: A guy we probably won’t hear about again after today. Just a little something extra.

  24. Trick421

    This makes me happy in many ways. First, Vladdy helped us to finally win the cup, and I will be forever thankful for that. Then, he demanded a trade, and I truly believe that has been a cloud over our team for the last two seasons.

    Yes, he had a great season last season. However, I believe he’s been the « locker room cancer » that’s plagued our team, especially this year. For example, when he was out with his most recent injury, we won games. Since he came back, we’ve lost every single game. It’s time.

    This trade allows everyone to move forward, especially our Beloved Blues. No, I don’t think we’re miraculously making a playoff spot this year. But we can build our team around our young core for the rest of this season, which makes for a very bright future next season.

  25. stltk65

    Ok now trade O’Reilly and resign Barby!

  26. Jaakko26

    Will never forget the day Vladi gave me his stick after a game in Boston 😢

  27. omgimabagel

    The reality setting in does hurt. I have seen Tarasenko jerseys in STL for so long, it was kind of like seeing Pujols jerseys everywhere. It’s a real bummer to see him actually gone even though it was a long time coming. I wish him the best and now I will try to mentally prepare for the next domino that falls.

  28. hnglmkrnglbrry

    Random Jackets fan here. All I have to say is that if you don’t play [Vladimir’s Blues](https://youtu.be/NZuc3_kSRk4) as the background music to his tribute video then your organization is trash.

    Congrats on the good haul though.

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