@Stars de Dallas

Un homme blanc frappe un autre homme blanc au visage après avoir été appelé le N-Word au match des Stars de Dallas !

Un homme blanc frappe un autre homme blanc au visage après avoir été appelé le N-Word au match des Stars de Dallas ! Site Web : www.blackandwhitenetwork.com Obtenez votre MERCH ici : https://teespring.com/stores/blackandwhitesports Suivez Black and White Network sur Odysee : Black and White Sports : https://odysee.com/@blackandwhitesports Black and White News : https://odysee.com/@blackandwhitenews Black and White Entertainment : https://odysee.com/@blackandwhiteentertainment Suivez-nous sur Rumble : Black and White Sports : https://rumble.com/user/BlackandWhiteSports Black and White News : https://rumble.com/user/BlackandWhiteNews Courriel : blackandwhitesports2019@gmail.com Consultez le site de podcast ici pour tous les flux en direct : https://anchor.fm/blackandwhitenetwork Veuillez soutenir Black and White Sports pendant au moins à partir de 0,99 par mois ici : https://anchor.fm/blackandwhitesports/support Cliquez sur le bouton REJOINDRE ou sur le lien dans la description et soutenez-nous. Commence juste à 4,99 $ par mois et annule à tout moment. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73b_bf7j4fgTnBNRTqKKTA/join Adresse professionnelle : 14237 E SAM HOUSTON PKWY N STE 200 BOX 147


  1. Good. That word shouldn’t be used ever and I bet the clown was being a complete dickhead the whole time and deserved to get punched regardless of what he said

  2. What pisses me off is if a Black man had called that guy the "N" word no punch would have been thrown we all know it.

  3. That dude must feel so pathetic his girlfriend got in better licks than he did hahahhaha

  4. I guess it was a white guy from the hood?? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  5. That was hardly a punch or a haymaker. That was just a little love tap. That loudmouth punk kid should’ve been hit so hard it would’ve sent him to the hospital for using language like that.

  6. Maybe it was just another digital ticketing screw up. What exactly is face value of tickets these days?

  7. Texas, just like Florida, is just another red-state shit hole. Gross. Would you look at those "people"

  8. Nothing worse than a wig who can’t handle his alcohol. Makes me embarrassed to be a Stars fan.

  9. I used to have a old black lady patient that would call me a “Pinky” ( I’m Caucasian) used to crack me up😂

  10. That is the result of a white kid listening to rap music…… Wanna be created rap culture in America

  11. First … he said the N word without the R. So that's in every day use by people. Calm down people, you can't just make it your word when in today's society it's the typical word on the street and in schools and at work. Get over it..

  12. How come mullet boy looks like someone who would use the N-word in public? That's so unusual.

  13. Dont care what the kid called him its not ok to assault people. He could have killed him by mistake. He needs to face charges.

  14. I don't know why it became so popular for white and hispanic people to say the N word. It's disgusting to me.

  15. because he used n word like blacks call blacks nh word like brotha nh word
    dumb kid used it that way n the man that hit him is going to jail for assault
    he wasn't called n word like n word hes just as stupid as the kid is

  16. This looked like a father giving his disrespectful son a right cross to knock his ass out 😂

  17. Must be something wrong with my eyes I thought the title said a hockey game breaks out during a fight, hahahah! THAT was a good solid punch. Right in the kisser. I give it a 9.5. Only because dude should've hit the racist miscreant harder. Because his mama wasn't there to protect her progeny his, I assume, girlfriend stepped in to protect her little pussee of a man. And of course now they will set up a go fund me page. Good show!!! More fights please!!! 🙀👍

  18. Good way to end up dead punching random people 🤦🏽‍♂️ Duhh this is America 🇺🇸

  19. Is it really that easy? I wish I could get someone to swing on me that easily.
    Violence leads to death

  20. He said it with an "A" it's not racist. In the dfw area 90% of white people who live in all black neighborhoods talk like that. The media is just blowing it up for the wrong reasons. The dude that punched the kid wouldve punched him regardless. The kid shouldn't have trashed talk yes, but the man who hot him should've been arrested for assault either way. Remember, "sticks and stones could break my bones but WORDS CAN NEVER HURT ME!"

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