@Predators de Nashville

[Maxime Blouin]En l’absence de preuves vidéo et de témoins impartiaux, #LHJMQ n’imposera pas de sanctions disciplinaires suite au match d’hier entre @OlympiquesGAT et @HFXMooseheads (RE: Zachary L’Heureux)

[Maxime Blouin]En l’absence de preuves vidéo et de témoins impartiaux, #LHJMQ n’imposera pas de sanctions disciplinaires suite au match d’hier entre @OlympiquesGAT et @HFXMooseheads (RE: Zachary L’Heureux)



  1. roham_josi

    Classic. The thread dismissing the accusation has 3 comments while the thread from 2 hours earlier is full of people dunking on him like « I knew we shouldn’t have drafted him. You just can’t get these types of guys. Poile needs go! »

    Can’t wait for this to come up 5-6 years down the line when he’s in the show and accidentally trips a guy. « I just can’t bring myself to like him after all that stuff he did. He’s always been a problem. This guy sucks and needs to go! »

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