@Sabres de Buffalo

Hier soir, lors du premier entracte, les Américains de Rochester ont dévoilé le « Don Stevens Press Box »

Hier soir, lors du premier entracte, les Américains de Rochester ont dévoilé le « Don Stevens Press Box »



  1. Sonny_Zwack

    The video on the tron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNRZtNay_5Q

    The article: https://www.amerks.com/news/detail/amerks-unveil-don-stevens-press-box-at-the-blue-cross-arena

    Extra: https://twitter.com/AmerksHockey/status/1624221768247377921


    Over 3,000 games and 37 seasons. Absolute legend.
    Really wish they would air Amerks games in Buffalo. We got two sports stations … no need for them to be both be about the big NBA trade or who are you betting on in week twelve.

  2. Why_So-Serious

    I thought he might get called up when RJ stepped down.

    Thoughts on Don calling the Sabres?

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