@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Daily Shot of Penguins de DK : qui a déclenché cet incendie ?

Non, vraiment, qui a déclenché cet incendie, apparemment sorti de nulle part ? Et comment le faire durer ? Écoutez Daily Shots of Steelers, Penguins and Pirates du chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic – trois podcasts distincts – tous les matins de la semaine sur le réseau de podcasting DK Pittsburgh Sports, disponible sur toutes les plateformes : https://linktr.ee/dkpghsports #DKPS # Penguins #Pittsburgh ► ABONNEZ-VOUS pour recevoir tous les derniers contenus de DK Pittsburgh Sports : https://www.youtube.com/c/dkpittsburghsports?sub_confirmation=1 ► VISITEZ la chaîne YouTube de DK Pittsburgh Sports : https://dkps.net/ youtube ► TÉLÉCHARGEZ la toute nouvelle application Apple DK Pittsburgh Sports, conçue pour les fans inconditionnels des Steelers, Penguins et Pirates : https://dkps.net/apple ► TÉLÉCHARGEZ la toute nouvelle application Android DK Pittsburgh Sports : https:// dkps.net/android ► CONSULTEZ le site Web de DK Pittsburgh Sports : http://dkpittsburghsports.com ► ABONNEZ-VOUS aux podcasts de DK Pittsburgh Sports : https://linktr.ee/dkpghsports ► SUIVEZ DK Pittsburgh Sports sur Facebook : https:// www.facebook.com/DKPittsburghSports/ ► SUIVEZ DK Pittsburgh Sports sur Twitter : https://t witter.com/DKPghSports ► SUIVEZ DK Pittsburgh Sports sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dkpghsports/ ► SUIVEZ Dejan Kovacevic sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/Dejan_Kovacevic ► À PROPOS DE NOUS : DK Pittsburgh Sports est le entreprise fière, pionnière et entièrement indépendante lancée en 2014 par le chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic et mettant en vedette un personnel professionnel couvrant les Steelers, les Penguins et les Pirates toute l’année et partout où ils vont! C’est ici que tout a commencé! Et NOUS n’avons fait que commencer !


  1. Casey was unbelievable in net. He has shown that he can do it. If he can consistently do this moving forward, the Pens could make a playoff push.

  2. What is the deal with them getting a PP and IMMEDIATELY taking a penalty to negate the advantage. Its happened many times this season. Its really deflating.

  3. DK! You already know the answer to this question, stop being disingenuous. You know it was always burning since the world’s been turning. Look, I get it that you’re upset that we didn’t light it but we tried to fight it. I mean, what can we do at this point? I think it’s time we moved on.

  4. Casey DeGOAT, whom you all HATE and SHIT TALKED and TURNED YOUR BACKS ON… like spoiled, thin-skinner fair-weather fans you are… HE’S the reason

  5. Didja see Geno clobber LeTang in the celebration? A right to the jaw. Didn't he do the same thing in Nashville to, I don't know, Kessel or Hornquist, after Hagelin's ENG? Now I gotta go look…

  6. I thought that was a great exciting game. I didnt find it slow at all…in fact the Av's really fly and it took a while for the pens to kick it up to their level. There just wasnt a lot of banging…something the Pens arent very good at anyway, and the Av's dont play that style either it seems….it's just chipping and getting the puck back and playing fast rather than trying to blow people up resulting in removing yourself from the play..there werent many stoppages or penalties…..I think Sullivan was very pleased w. their performance and would call it playing the right way.

  7. DK, you've talked alot this year about how tight knit of a group these guys are, and I'll be completely honest, I was a little skeptical of that. like how can a team that's been so sluggish and seemingly unmotivated at times be so tight knit. but I saw it last night. the way these guys kept pushing and kept coming was really amazing to watch, and then the way they celebrated those goals. it really seemed like they were out there playing for the guys next to them, and embracing the potential of a comeback as a team. I was only able to watch the 3rd, but I really think it was the most excited I've been watching the pens this year.

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