@Stars de Dallas


Ne manquez jamais un moment avec les dernières nouvelles, les histoires tendances et les faits saillants pour vous rapprocher de vos joueurs et équipes préférés. Téléchargez maintenant : https://app.link.nba.com/APP22 Les Dallas Mavericks battent les Sacramento Kings, 122-114. Kyrie Irving a enregistré 25 points et 10 passes pour les Mavericks, tandis que Josh Green a ajouté 17 points, 4 rebonds et 7 passes dans la victoire. De’Aaron Fox a mené tous les buteurs avec 33 points, 6 rebonds et 5 passes décisives pour les Kings. Les Mavericks s’améliorent à 31-26 cette saison, tandis que les Kings tombent à 31-24.


  1. I loved that one fan energy the entire game she had nothing but love and hope for her team

  2. Sacrament, a little too late. Good thing Dallas went up with a pretty big cushion in the first half.

  3. It looks like KI play with his new teammates before is his 2nd game with them and the already got some good Chemistry , just look the ball movement and how he create space and leave wide open player to shoot 3s like tim H,J ,man imagine with luka tuning slow paste and Kyrie running the fast paste omg that will be 2 deadly weapons for the mavs …

  4. The amount of double teams Kyrie was attracting is crazy. If those kick out passes after a double keep going down, Dallas going to be dangerous!

  5. If my Mavs lose the chip this season imma be devastated. There’s nothing more we need than playing as a team.


    1st choice: comfortable life (human contacts, fun, relationships, easy work)

    2nd choice: remedy the one made by the first choice (all the opposite of the life of the first)

    3rd choice, etc.: no personality suitable to survive, probable life as a tramp (in the middle of the street), absolutely no human contact, fun, future, precious things, relationships. With the personality they give you to do all these things it will be too complicated. Probable acts of violence or discrimination, no work or if there is very hard. High probability of suicide.

    Procedure: there comes a time when suddenly Christ and Satan show up in front of the mirror and by deception force to choose one of the two. By choosing the first, the following things happen: Christ, the Virgin Mary and in case some saints show up and in case you are playing or having fun in any way they force you to work and toil helping someone always with their voice and their words inside your head. Their procedure consists of this: prevent you from having fun, drinking, masturbating, etc. and getting sledding like a mule.

    Being as they say second choice, you should only work from morning to night and nothing else. Anything else is not good for them. At first Christ pretends to be God and shows you how he pretends to give you gifts by putting for a moment a kind of white glow at the height of the navel and telling you that they give a "gift" to everyone and no more than one but in reality, they are all lies that as you go on, they come out on their own. They try to frame you with vague promises, rewards and various scum once in what they call "paradise", but once they verify that the element in question doesn't take the bait (because he’s not a moron!) they begin to reveal their infamous procedures that they have implemented to try to ruin his life.

    As a second choice you are given a very antisocial, extreme and stray personality so that you cannot have any kind of contact with other people (friendships, relationships) because you see everyone else as if they came from another planet and there is no kind of compatibility. In addition to this your physique is damaged with the following things and for the following reasons: first you will have few or no muscles at all as having been damaged at birth you will be sick and you will have a disposition to make revenge and war against everyone; per second you will have some knee problems that will prevent you from practicing any type of sport in a serious way and third you will have some kind of defect or imperfection in intimate parts such as various spots, in, strange shapes, etc. so as to prevent you from having any kind of relationship.

    The second choice should according to their infamous system try to remedy the wrong things that someone who died 40 years ago or more has combined.

    In paradise a kind of personal "circle" is created where there are the spirits of all the people who have had some kind of importance in your life: family members, sports idols, musicians, actors or characters compatible with your personality or with the life you have to make. All these characters are obliged to show up and say certain phrases with the purpose of deceiving and doing things that the person in question would not do in itself. They also take advantage of the relationship of admiration you had for them when they were alive to get you to have a conversation, but it's all a lie, the real purpose is to analyze your way of thinking and acting and your personality to see if you can overcome certain obstacles, cheating and lies that will try to get you on the road.

    Of all the characters you see the Virgin Mary is the most annoying of all. She talks all the time saying a lot of lies to see if someone is so stupid to believe in it (like their altar boys) and she always and constantly repeats the same things until nausea (procedure). She cries all the time and says she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

    Their way of speaking is to repeat in your head their phrases that irritate and provoke and annoy you to the point of nausea as the angriest you are, the more your nerves jump and the more vulnerable you are to them because you could lose control of your actions and do what they want. They never believe in threats to make them stop until they are put into practice.

    At the beginning of the journey if you rebel against their infamous system, they can resort to making the devil appear.

    Not having chosen him appears much poorer than he appears to his followers. He can appear in many different forms but usually appears with red eyes and the stick it uses to subdue its followers. Among the things he does to you we find: images of spiders quite credible in the head, temptations of various kinds very treacherous. At first it makes you think he wants to take you into his group by always making you trawls to try to frame yourself (for example women you might have, things that might happen to you, etc.) and then tries to bother you at night by showing you his red eyes, goat legs, strange faces and telling you to come to his group. To try to submit use a kind of feeling of great warmth at the height of the navel that is transmitted throughout the body and that almost gives the feeling of fainting. It is overcome by always being in the company of someone, as it must be stealthy and cannot leave traces. During submission attempts, every thought, everything read and seen, and every memory will be used as a weapon against you.

    On some occasions it may go so far as to tell you to give him your soul, that is, to perform the following ritual: to write explicitly your intention on a sheet of paper, to bring blood out of your body and sign with it. As a final act burn the sheet (which is absolutely to be avoided as then you do not go back).

    Their followers to get any kind of role in hell must sacrifice everything they have in life and kill someone, better if someone they care about or some complete stranger and as a final gesture themselves.

    Demons cannot bring anything out and it must be the adept who performs certain rituals to learn new things and improve level, but at each of these acts their lives are ruined more and more.

    Hell consists of 9 levels.

    The souls of people who commit suicide are struck by the eyes little by little until they get their eyes ripped, a process that lasts years and they have to turn 15 turns before they can be saved.

  7. That pass by Green at 1:19 is going to be on Lowes Ten things i like and dont like when he talks about these young bucks for the Mavs.

  8. The Mavs look more like a complete team with Kyrie at the helm. People are getting more looks and not one person ball hogging and not doing defense. Sheesh I would dare say the Mavs are kind of better off without Luka for now, he can take his time coming back lol.

  9. Kyrie showing he's not just a good scorer but a great facilitator, but still won't convince me this was a good trade for the Mavs to win the chip

  10. As a British person I understand American frustration with soccer, and the fact there are too many rules and too few goals.
    I feel the same about basketball. The hoop is ridiculously low. The dunks are all done for style and show and are mostly unnecessary. Most of the NBA giants could easily drop the ball in with little effort. The reality is it's like having the hoop way lower for an average person. If you raise the hoop to twelve feet then dunks would not only be necessary they would take a lot more effort. Basketball is really a gentle game for athletic giants. Because the court is tiny for them and the hoop is way too low.

  11. The Mavericks made it impossible for the Kings to catch them. The Mavericks led from start to finish for a 122-114 victory.

  12. FOX travels an awful lot. No call. FOX drives often, gets calls too much. What is brewing if Luka can't get calls but FOX does. Bias

  13. which will help in the playoffs once the game slows down. Kyrie is so versatile because he excels both in transition or in the half court. SCARY!

  14. Luka and Kyrie looked good playing together. Both scored well. The Mavericks are challenged defensively. They made 20 three-pointers, and the Kings made only 8 and the Mavs still lost. Fox is a top 5 point guard right now!

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