@Avalanche du Colorado

Arrivée depuis la section 301 avec un hamburger à 15 $. Allez Av !

Arrivée depuis la section 301 avec un hamburger à 15 $. Allez Av !



  1. haihaiclickk

    awesome seats! I love sitting so high up… you get a great view of how the plays develop!

  2. Lakeshore_Maker

    I didn’t know they had 5 Guys at the ball sack!

  3. usernamefromhell

    Least appetizing burger I’ve ever seen

  4. hergreendress

    Looks like that fat fish is trying to get a fry….

  5. Awkward_traveler

    There’s a Chicago dog stall on the 300 level, opposite side of the cup banner. I was not disappointed

  6. crosscat

    I wish they had better food. I love Mr Softie though so maybe they can have that more often…

  7. Beginning-Can8187

    I was in those seats a a month back!! Love the high view Man go Avs!

  8. GhostRevival

    301 is one of my favorite sections for sure

  9. macandcheesejones

    Could be worse, you could be in section 15 with a $301 hamburger.

  10. brothaman182

    Thought this was r/shittyfoodporn for a minute.

  11. Whatisthis_12345678

    Ugh hope it was better than My hot dog tonight 😩

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