@Blues de Saint-Louis

Faits saillants du jeu : Blues 6, Panthers 2

Regardez les faits saillants du match des Blues de St. Louis contre les Panthers de la Floride, 14/02/2023


  1. I pay the money for Center Ice to get Blues games, live in a rural place that has crummy internet service, and I can't watch the game.

  2. Dear ESPN,
    Please Do NOT ever broadcast a St Louis Blues game again. Your amateur hour commentary team is absolutely atrocious. I couldn’t bare to listen past the first period and turned the game off. Yes, it was that bad.
    -Blues fan.

  3. I wouldn't have to come here to watch the highlights if this were actually broadcast somewhere. The NHL is making it impossible to consistently watch my favorite team. LGB. Even though I pay for Center Ice, they put games behind yet another paywall (ESPN, HULU, etc) plus I'm blacked out from 4 NHL franchises even though the CLOSEST one is 500+ miles away from me. Its stupid.

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