@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le père d’Ovechkin est décédé RIP

Le père d’Ovechkin est décédé RIP



  1. Mahonneyy123

    RIP Sir,
    « When your father dies, say the Armenians, your sun shifts forever and you
    walk in his light. »

  2. Fauxtogca

    Did they send him to fight in the Ukraine?

  3. GeesesAndMeese

    Eh, it sucks for sure.

    His support of Putin probably means a lot of other people have lost their father rather unnecessarily recently though so I’m indifferent to this news

  4. FunImprovement166

    RIP Papa O. I hope Alex made it back in time so he could at least be there.

  5. SmackEh

    OK people, we know he was Russian. He was still a human fucking being.

  6. steven09763

    Damn!!!!! I guess supporting the most cynical man on earth has done nothing for Ovi. This comment section is a shit show already

  7. kassidybear14

    my he rest in peace❤️😭

  8. imathrowyaaway

    People calling for class here… where was that class when y’all gave him a pass for being the face of a mass murder’s piblic campaign? Didn’t seem to be too sad about all the fathers dead in the war.

    And please don’t give me the story how he didn’t personally shoot anybody, or he was forced. We all make decisions. Ovechkin made his.

    If a hockey player supported Hitler’s ideas in the past, y’all would lose your shit. But when it’s happening right now in our times, people make excuses. Sad.

  9. DecapitatedApple

    Lol you actual fucking Reddit nerds. Go outside and touch grass.

  10. THEx_xNOOB

    Just wanted to say I like Alex Ovechkin as a hockey player, before this thread gets locked-out like ‘05

  11. PhillySkunk

    did he fall out a 3rd story window?

  12. Dyldo_II

    The exclamation mark at the end of the sentence is throwing me off for some reason and I don’t know why

  13. Bill-O-Reilly-

    So glad to see r/politics has invaded our Hockey sub the last few weeks…

  14. SoothsayerSurveyor

    One hour and the comment section isn’t locked yet?

    I don’t know if I should be proud of the people handling themselves as adults or shocked that the mods are slow to react.

  15. biscuitslayer77

    Ya know yall are some fucking shitbags. You can criticize ovi and his Russian allegiance, but the man lost his father. Show some fucking empathy. You can do 2 things at once.

  16. RayPetersonn

    Reading these comments are so sad. The father of a beloved hockey player has just died and your getting mad at him for his own political views. He was from Soviet Russia, and Putin would’ve felt like a big step up from that at the time.

  17. shunsui___kyoraku

    Kid on the left had harline of a 40 year old☠️

  18. Prose4256

    The year he’s breaking all the records and seems to be having fun now he loses his father, sorry for his loss , RIP Sir

  19. Uncle_Tony96

    Hate how much Reddit hockey fans virtue signal now. Everything has to be political for some reason. You don’t have to be pro-LGBT or pro-Ukraine to be treated like a human. Get a life

  20. RIP to a great father. You’re all mentally ill in the comments

  21. WazyWalk

    The don’t disturb my family messages are always super weird to me because 99% of the time no one knows anything or planned on disturbing your family prior to your sharing the news incredibly publicly to people who would’ve had no idea.

  22. redline42

    RIP to his dad

    Wonder what the scorpion on his hand means?

  23. zivlynsbane

    Man people are real asshole. Guy’s father dies and all people can think of is Putin and giving Ovi a hard time.

  24. Leggo_MyGreggo

    Wow, maybe now ovechkin can feel a fraction of what Ukrainian families are suffering through thanks to the actions of his bff Putin

  25. purpleseagull12

    He still hasn’t changed the profile pic? 💀 I send my condolences though

  26. DistanceSuper3476

    I will send him same condolences he sent me when my mom passed last month !

  27. SweptThatLeg

    Hope the prick stays there. Fuck this guy.

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