@Blackhawks de Chicago

Les Blackhawks de Chicago sont pathétiques.

Les Blackhawks de Chicago sont pathétiques.



  1. malcontented

    Yeh, can’t argue anything he said. Fucking pathetic

  2. dishonourableprince

    Surface level video. Of course this team sucks because they were built that way to prepare for this years draft, it’s not a secret that Kyle Davidson needs this team to get another franchise player as the Kane and Toews era comes to an end.

  3. ReplacementTasty6552

    Yes they suck. They sucked way back in the past also yet I am still and will always be a fan.

  4. Three_Froggy_Problem

    I mean, obviously the Hawks have fallen as far as they possibly could from their Cup days, but that’s kind of the nature of things in the salary cap era. You can’t be on top forever.

    Also, this team definitely sucks and I think it’s valid to be annoyed over someone like Seth Jones being as mediocre as he is, but the team was literally assembled to tank. There are other teams in this league who have been worse for longer without even trying to be, so it feels like a waste of energy to be too upset about things right now.

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