@Hurricanes de la Caroline

pgt : majuscules @ cannes

pgt : majuscules @ cannes



  1. JESquirrel

    I have to give props to the caps for not pulling a typical cap move and throwing cheap shots at the end of the game.

  2. ppParadoxx

    what an amazing game, that was worth every penny!

  3. grundercats

    omg i never understood why people said raleighwood until this exact moment

  4. bionicbunnie

    i love tripp’s love for teuvo

  5. Illustrious_One2015

    major props to everyone in raleigh organizing tonight. as someone watching from out of state things looked so professional so well organized. made me so proud of my home state! what a game!

  6. Uzumaki-OUT

    taped the game so I can fall asleep to it every night as it makes me feel safe and warm

  7. LandonWarner

    If the NHL was smart they’d bring the stadium series back here after a couple years (also so I can actually go that time)

  8. xirtam2669

    Anyone notice the announcer roasting the band director? That was hilarious. Went on for like half the game

  9. fuzzy_husky26

    Need more college bands at all sporting events.

  10. Carolina_913

    so many things i could say about this game. even though i didn’t get to attend it, it was a pleasure to be a part of canes history with all of you. let’s keep this party going into june 💪💪💪

  11. Ice1789

    guys LadyIce showed up to watch the third with me and afterwards I started clapping for the surge, so she’s just smirking at me. Then she glances over my shoulder and GrammyIce had her hands up doing it too and she absolutely lost it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 « what they were doing it on the TV I thought we were supposed to »

  12. i gotta say im really proud of the boys for how they handled a game after the long hof induction the other night and then this circus tonight. put aside distractions and took care of business.

  13. Bogey7319

    as i sit here in traffic waiting to get out of the parking lot I just wanna say that this weekend has been an absolute blast. thank you raleigh and fellow caniacs for the experience of a lifetime. also fuck the caps it was so great not having to hear their asses all right

  14. ppParadoxx

    funny thing is nobody ever scanned the parking ticket so everyone could have saved a whole 40 bucks lol

  15. JayMerlyn

    Literally a perfect night. Everything about this game lived up to the hype I had for it.

  16. SouthernPovertyFranchise.jpg

    Go Canes. Go Pack. Go Raleigh.

  17. kapy2103

    lmao, someone in the caps gdt said that the only notable thing svech has ever done is get knocked out by ovi. their gdt thread is full of salt

  18. 1174239



  19. GrayM84

    Minus the douchebag college kids in my section taking other people’s seats that was one of the best canes games I’ve ever been to.

  20. Sweetwater156

    I was yelling so much I pissed my toddler and husband off.

    This has been 25 years coming, y’all got nowhere to be tomorrow so let me enjoy this. 😇

  21. alottagames

    Great game, but fuck every single person involved with planning and managing parking and traffic for this event. Lining them up and shooting them on WRAL wouldn’t even begin to repay their incompetence. Just wow…


    Whole thing from being an attendee in the seat portion was absolute fucking garbage. No one checking tickets, people massing in the aisle at the front, no one understands the numbers on the seat, can’t fit the right amount of people on the seat. Two. Two whole store booths on sight with lines around the damn stadium. Luckily for me I parked 2 miles away so I could avoid whatever shit what happening. Looked like a ducking zombie apocalypse movie; people abandoning their gridlocked cars to walk across median into the woods to pee, or die, while a helicopter flys above and police on motorcycle drives the wrong way down the empty lane. Also fuck you vape lords

    Edit: fun fact. Guy in front of me in food line said they didn’t care he has his knife and then showed me his big ducking knife in his pocket. Told him to just go in

  23. Zoidburger_

    The Washington Capital L’s

    I fucking love you Caniacs this was the greatest event I’ve ever been to and you all made it happen

  24. SympathyForTheDevil5

    Lol just curious if anyone knows what the fight that happened in section 3 was over and why it took 5 cops 10 minutes to break it up

  25. Harambes-Mom

    Are y’all still watching abc? Staal interview and he’s back in his full golf outfit 😂

  26. tbyrdistheword

    I am in so much pain from standing pretty much the whole time, but it was 100% worth it to see the boys absolutely dominate the caps!

  27. DatsHim

    these easter edition nerds gummy clusters are hittin something serious rn, fireeeee af

  28. niners0101

    I like bashing the NHL but that was a really well ran event, props to them I had a blast

  29. macaroni_3000

    What a magical night! I still have goosebumps thinking about it. All those « hockey purists » and naysayers that have been shitting on us over the years can suck a whole bag of dicks. God this was amazing.

  30. cmorse0

    How far we have come in the city, and in the NHL. What a special night for all Canes fans. Something I will never forget.

  31. denvercaniac

    Very sorry I couldn’t meet up with you.
    I met a ton of redditors.
    My phone is half r/canes now.
    I have much to say.
    It will be said later tonight.
    I am awestruck at this week and this has been my best visit to NC yet by far.
    I am proud of all of us.
    I also apologize to Fleuriste for not meeting her.
    My boy Jordan is taking me to the airport as I typed.
    I will long remember this day and thank Raleigh and this sub for everything.
    This incredible fanbase and this incredible sub can never be thanked enough.

  32. Badjokechip

    BuT hOcKeY dOeSn’T wOrK iN tHe SoUtH. 57000+ people at the game, people tailgated for 6 hours for it, sold out in 3 hours (a record).

    Carter-Finley the 2nd loudest house in the NHL.

    So glad to meet quite a few of you, shout out to u/denvercaniac, u/scarpek, and the Canes discord for letting me use their grill after mine wouldn’t stay lit

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