@Wild du Minnesota

[MN Wild PR] Filip Gustavsson mène la LNH en GAA (1,77) et SV% (.938) depuis le 19 novembre (min. 10 GP)

[MN Wild PR] Filip Gustavsson mène la LNH en GAA (1,77) et SV% (.938) depuis le 19 novembre (min. 10 GP)



  1. lardtard123

    I feel like any other team would be playing him more often over fleury but what do I know

  2. Empire2k5

    But start Fleury.

    /S just in case

  3. Right now he has 23 games played. If we ride the Gus bus in every game left except the back to backs he’ll end up with 45 games played. Let’s say we put a couple more games with Fleury here and there to ease the load and end up with a 50/50 split, if Gus bus finishes the season on this high note and brings his averages to like 2 GAA and .935sv% (right now he sits at 2.12 and .928), would this be enough to be a Vezina finalist?

    In the Dubnyk years the feel was that we had an average goalie beyind a stingy defense and this inflated his numbers, right now I feel we have a strong goalie behind an average defense.

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