@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion générale quotidienne (19/02/2023)

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  1. pjfong87

    Work vacation starts tomorrow. So naturally I get flu. Stoked

  2. Madvillany313

    I stayed up late last night with snacks to root for the wings to get 6 in a row. I also drank about 8 beers and do not feel well. Cheers. We will get them next year guys.

  3. HercHuntsdirty

    Couldn’t wait to see last night’s game card. I watched the first half of the game and saw Chiarot do absolutely nothing useful. What do ya know, right at the bottom again!

  4. PierogiPounder420

    Ok our winning streak ended. RELEASE THE VRANA!

  5. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Kind of bummed wings couldn’t get a point or two but I know that it’s so difficult to have long winning streaks in the NHL. They still have had an amazing road trip. I assume that, despite playing Tuesday in DC, they’re home right now, resting. Hopefully they bring the pain to the caps and start a new streak.

  6. CD23tol

    Maybe Tuesday we get both Vrana and Raymond?

  7. xenonwarrior666

    The West Coast trip was a huge success.

    I was thinking we would be doing alright if we could win one of the back to backs.

    We almost pulled off a sweep.

  8. shogun-of-the-dark

    Most of our wild card competitors also lost last night. Which is nice.

  9. xenonwarrior666

    Man the boo birds really show up in force after a loss.

    Was in the YouTube comments and there is a chuckle head talking about how we gotta blow the team up and our 5 game win streak is meaningless cause we only beat trash teams.

    Also lots of talk about how we’re not a contender. Yeah no shit. We’re a team on the cusp of getting to the playoffs not a cup contender.

  10. Smokes_LetsGo_

    Rank | Team | Points % | Feb 18 Result | Feb 19
    :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :-
    7 | PIT | .573⬇️ | L vs NJD | Idle
    8⬆️| BUF | .556⬆️ | W @ SJS | Idle
    9⬇️| DET | .545⬇️ | L @ SEA | Idle
    10 | WSH | .534⬇️ | L @ CAR | Idle
    11 | NYI | .534⬇️ | L @ BOS | Idle
    12 | FLA | .525⬇️ | L @ NSH | Idle
    13 | OTT | .519 | Idle | vs STL

    A bit of a slip for the Wings as the Sabres were able to temporarily pass them. Every other team in the hunt lost in regulation, so overall not a bad night. Huge game Tuesday at Washington, with a potential 4 point swing.

  11. sunsh9ne1471

    Does anyone have a clip of the scrum towards the end of last nights game? I can’t find it anywhere

  12. elvishblood_24

    Was the game last night really that bad?? I caught a good bit of the first period and the last ten minutes of the third and thought we were playing some of the better hockey I’ve seen us play.

  13. duelingdog

    My boy Filip « Grill em up » Zadina getting a nonzero amount of points. 👀

  14. redwingsHELLyea

    Who’s gonna get out to let Vrana play? Now that we lost or are we gonna go with the same lineup? I was thinking they were gonna ease him in on the fourth line if they do and he played with Zadina before and did pretty well. So maybe Zadina-Suter-Vrana? That way we have another potentially scoring line and mixed in with very good defense. What do you guys all think?

  15. AmazingSieve

    It hurts me to say this but…Seattles structure was simply better last night. Better breakouts and entries and more solid in the d zone. Then add in Chariot had a terrible game.

    Winning 6 straight was unlikely but I didn’t think Seattle would outplay them like that.

    The game also showed how important that it is that everyone does their job defensively. A few careless mistakes will cost you a game and guys have to be all in on doing the right things on every shift.

  16. AffectionateMrPink

    Honestly how do some people compare Kenny’s old beaten up teams that squeaked in to this young up and coming roster squeaking in? There’s a clear difference in the two situations. Obviously I wouldn’t expect this team to win the cup if they get in but the experience would be invaluable for these guys. It’s a step in the right direction that every young team has to take at some point. Just don’t get rooting against it and definitely no reason to blow team up and start over. Crazy talk. Go Wings

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