@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les anciens fans des Thrashers, lorsqu’ils ont déménagé en 2011, avez-vous encouragé les Jets de Winnipeg ou êtes-vous resté avec une autre équipe ?

Les anciens fans des Thrashers, lorsqu’ils ont déménagé en 2011, avez-vous encouragé les Jets de Winnipeg ou êtes-vous resté avec une autre équipe ?



  1. bigdadE420

    Not really an answer to your question but I live in Winnipeg. But I’m still a Redwings fan over the Jets. Cheer for the jets when they aren’t playing the Wings.

  2. RealChanandlerBong

    I believe that, of the 6 Thrashers fans in existence, 2 became Jets fans and 4 hopped onto the Tampa Bay bandwagon 😉

    *Shots fired*

  3. CriticismMost3450

    What happened to all the Atlanta Flames fans?

  4. jgerri14

    Atlantic Canadian checking in. I’ve been a thrashers/jets fan since they entered the league.

  5. Intelligent-Spot-475

    Ok so based on the responses of this we are learning even more why they got relocated lmao

  6. Joemamacita

    I will get downvoted into the ground, but the fan base left with the Atlanta teams. That’s why developing markets is important to the league. New markets, new fans and also new kids who want to be in the league. I doubt Austin Matthews becomes a player without the presence of the Coyotes.

  7. votequimby420

    they relocated because they didn’t have any fans


    When the Whalers left Hartford in ’97, I dropped them like a bad relative…

  9. Sauronsindexfinger

    Atlanta had a choice of either Bolts (amazing talent) or Nashville (up and down but better than atlanta)

  10. JohnnyTreeTrunks

    I didn’t think there were any thrasher fans

  11. IJustWanToKillMyself

    From Atlanta, I started cheering for the Rangers as my family is from the area. Unfortunately with both Atlanta teams moving to Canada there’s not much people could do to stay fans as in 2011 getting Canadian hockey on TV could be a bit annoying sometimes down south

  12. waffleboy1109

    The Winnipeg organization has shown no respect to the Atlanta Thrashers. Allowing Hellebucyk to wear 37, never having Thrashers uniforms as part of their retro jerseys, it’s been disgraceful. I actively root against the Jets far more than any team. I was a Bruins fan before and that’s what I am now.

  13. silverandbleak

    If your team bugs out you can cheer for any team you want! When the North Star abandoned us I became a Boston Bruins fan.

  14. ShowerPig

    My two favorite teams are now the Bruins and whoever is playing the Jets.

  15. noahbjets

    When the New York Americans dismantled in the 1920s I found myself without a team for a while and then became a huge whalers fan given Hartford’s proximity to New York! Man I hope we win the cup with Gordie Howe!!!

  16. brechbillc1

    Atlanta resident here. I can answer this question. The majority of Thrasher fans became Preds fans with some becoming Bolts fans. The city itself got somewhat shafted because the ownership group, Atlanta Spirit, acquired the Thrashers in a package deal with the Atlanta hawks and really did not want the team from the start. Therefore, there was never any incentive for them to actually spend on the team and make good acquisitions. They didn’t care about poor management or coaching whatsoever and were more than happy to let good players walk rather than actually bull around the team.

    The fanbase itself was actually relatively loyal. You wouldn’t think it, but hockey is much bigger in Atlanta than you would believe. It has one of the largest men’s league in the country and has some of the highest youth hockey registration on the east coast. There are a lot of people that love the sport here and were not happy with the team leaving.

    As for attendance, for a good portion of their tenure, the Thrashers were usually middle of the pack in terms of average attendance. But as a team in a new market, if you don’t put a good product on the ice, you will have a hard time filling seats. Hell, even Pittsburgh before Crosby and Chicago before Kane and Teows had empty barns before they got good. The fact that Atalta was middle of the pack in attendance for that long with how bad the team tended to be impressive.

    As an Atlanta resident, I would love to see a team return to Atlanta. But if one ever does, it needs to be with a competent owner, who is willing to hire a good FO and spend the money to build a competitive team. Put a winning product together and grow the sport here even more.

    Also, if a team does come back here, please build them a far superior practice facility than the Duluth Ice forum. That place is a dump.

  17. donbas1

    At this time there are 68 comments
    I assume every thrasher fan commented twice

  18. Please_obtain_taco

    I tried to but there was literally 0 coverage of them in GA, and streaming options weren’t as prominent as they are now. So off the wagon I fell. RIP Thrashers.

  19. roccerfeller

    Winnipeg lost their original NHL franchise and can relate to the hurt Thrasher fans. Some Thrasher fans I’ve come across recognize factors out of their control contributed to the franchise relocating to Winnipeg and so cheer for the team. Many do not, and Jets 1.0 fans are understanding of that pain. I live on the west coast in Canada and cheer for the Jets. You don’t need to be from Winnipeg or Atlanta to cheer for the club. Sometimes, you just respect the organization or a player or two, and next thing you know, you’re invested as a fan.

  20. LeCyador

    I am probably one of the weirdest fans. When I was living in Winnipeg, when the Jets moved to Phoenix I decided to start cheering for another team. The team I picked was the Thrashers because I liked their colors and wanted to paint my room their colors. Now, my dad was a BC boy, so he said no Thrashers colors and instead we cheered for the Canucks. I still cheered for the Thrashers, and the Canucks, but the Thrashers weren’t very good. Imagine my surprise when it looked like we were getting Phoenix back, then all of a sudden we have the Thrashers in town.

    So, I kept cheering for the Thrashers, because they became my hometown team.

  21. simpledeadwitches

    RIP to the best hockey team name of all time.

  22. jimmiefan48forever

    I kinda wish the thrashers stayed over another loser Canadian team that’ll never win a cup

  23. Judge_Rhinohold

    There weren’t any Thrashers fans. That’s why they moved out of town just like the Flames.

  24. looshy23

    I live in GA but am originally from Michigan, the Red Wings were always my favorite team but I kept up with the thrashers — I think a lot of thrashers fans just lost interest in the NHL.

    A ton of them still play hockey and love the sport but in my experience they just lost interest in a league that didn’t care about them.

  25. GroundbreakingCow775

    I don’t any fan to loose their team. It is painful how north american sports teams can just move

  26. amateurhourpgh

    Also very curious to hear about what both of them did

  27. Tireseas

    I was an Avs fan before the Thrashers existed and continued to be after they moved. I didn’t bear any resentment towards Winnipeg, but everyone else involved in the whole debacle can go fuck themselves to this day.

  28. strompooper

    Winnipeg took our team. The Jets are dead to me. I’m a Panthers die hard, and supported them and the Thrashers when I moved from S. FL. To ATL in 06. When the Thrashers left I switched to supporting Panthers and Predators.

  29. sonnytlb

    Grew up watching the Bruins, since my family was from Boston. Just jumped back to them. Softened the blow that the Bruins won a cup right after the Thrashers left.

  30. JonTheWizard

    Mandatory « fuck Atlanta Spirit » comment.

  31. Across_the_Diverge

    From being a fan of a team that was ripped from their city over money, fuck no. I wouldn’t root for the Baltimore Ravens if my life depended on it. Idk how any Thrashers fan could be ok with that and root for the Jets. I just found a new team.

  32. Gloomy-Ad3607

    Ahh, Atlanta. The only city to lose two sports franchises (hockey teams) to Canada!

  33. telungoku

    I’m still in mourning. Now I gotta reset the Days Since Last Sobbing in Public tally

  34. some1337

    As a huge Thrashers fan and season ticket holder, I can say no Jets not at all, I will always cheer against the Jets. I do like the Red Wings and Predators now.

  35. ArcticStorm07

    I liked Atlanta, but when they relocating I pretty much stopped following the team.

  36. kymeechee

    Sucks that everyone just does « no fans haha » thing with Atlanta. If you saw them during any of the years they weren’t basement dwellers (which was a bit rare, sure), you’d see that they sold decently well. The issue wasn’t the fans, it was Atlanta Spirit and, supposedly, Gary Bettman’s stubbornness with the Yotes.

  37. WorkingSoggy3149

    I don’t pull the jets as an atlanta guy. I mostly just pull for the predators and the canes because they are the closest and represent southern hockey florida aside. The only team I seriously support is the ECHL team in atlanta called the gladiators, super fun games, would recommend if you get the chance though ik they aren’t nhl!

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