@Flyers de Philadelphie

C’était un coup bon marché sans tripes

Était-ce avec Travis Konecny ​​et se fâcher contre les filets vides? Au cours de la dernière soirée entre les Canucks de Vancouver et les Flyers de Philadelphie, Elias Pettersson, lors d’une soirée de 5 points, a marqué une paire de buts dans un filet vide. Le deuxième dont, Konecny ​​a fait exception et a fait un drive by blind side hit sur Pettersson dans un sale coup bon marché qui est tout simplement complètement inutile. Kuzmenko a également eu l’un des échanges les plus amusants que j’ai vus depuis un moment sur le banc en mangeant une banane et en prenant un Pepsi au milieu d’un match. Profitez-en pendant que je couvre cela dans le récapitulatif des faits saillants du hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #vancouvercanucks #philadelphiaflyers #highlights


  1. Shitty move from a piece of shit person. Then runs away when confronted about it. Need I say more???

  2. I get not liking losing and the prospects of your future don’t look good frustrating you, but this has to be beaten out of him. If you’re Schenn, you’ve got to get ahold of him. He cannot get off the ice clean after that.

  3. Don’t see anything wrong with what Konecny did honestly. He’s frustrated and wants to win badly. Shows passion, no “cheap shot” here.
    Players need to keep aware of their surroundings at all times. Even when not playing hockey, keep aware of your surroundings so you can avoid getting hurt.

  4. Sean Avery Syndrome … just because you’re in the NHL, it doesn’t mean you deserve to be there.
    Man up and play better or do what you’ve been doing.

  5. Was is it with Travis Konecny and getting mad at empty netters?
    Simple answer: Running up the score, and padding stats.
    This is once again one of those unwritten rules in hockey when up by two goals and the goalie is pulled most expect the other team to eat the puck rather then trying to score. Then consider the fact that in both cases it was the same player that scored both empty net goals so it is clearly padding of stats; which is a cheap shot towards the other team. In such he took a cheap shot back at them.

  6. Gutless is a bit of a stretch. This is hockey not basketball…
    EDIT: it looks like he's the only one on that team that cares. Maybe if the rest of the flyers would have more of a "Give a F attitude" as Konecy has, they would have a few more wins.

  7. Typical of the Philadelphia franchise since the early '70s. He's following in the footsteps of Bobby Clarke who would cheapshot opponents and skate away because he had Schultz, Saleski, Kelly and Dupont to fight for him. In otherwords a gutless coward. Nice to see subsequent generations carry on the Flyer tradition.

  8. Don't wanna be the bitof the bunch but people like us (majority) aren't professional players. These dudes are huge, tough, muscular, monsters. That "tiny" hit would destroy most average dudes.

  9. Travis is the prime example of taking a game too seriously. yes you lost but you had more than enough time to make things right earlier. nothing you can do about it at the end and you end up looking like a big baby.

  10. Expect /r/Canucks to be filled with banana 🍌 memes in 3… 2… 1…

    Oh wow they are already there.

  11. I’m fine with the ovi one. Ovi shouldn’t have done that, but doing it is fine I guess. And a little shove and some words seems like a fair response. But this one? Unacceptable

  12. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I played sports when I was growing up, but it really bothers me when fans don’t understand the emotions that go one for the players.

  13. He nudged him lmaooo this isnt gutless or a cheap shot😭😭 clickbait title

  14. konecny just mad the canucks treated his cousin like shit. as a canucks fan i agree. love konecny, would like to have him on the team if we were ever trying to be a competent franchise.

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