@Flyers de Philadelphie

L’histoire se répète

J’ai trouvé ce vieil article d’un fan du Wild du Minnesota qui a mis en évidence certaines des raisons pour lesquelles Chuck Fletcher a été viré : [https://www.hockeywilderness.com/2018/4/23/17271710/minnesota-wild-chuck-fletcher-out-as-general-manager-fired-craig-leipold-next-gm-flahr-fenton-dubas](https://www.hockeywilderness.com/2018/4/23/17271710/minnesota-wild-chuck-fletcher-out-as-general-manager-fired-craig-leipold-next-gm-flahr-fenton-dubas ) L’histoire est sur le point de se répéter avec ce putain de mec. « Une série d’erreurs, de tendances, d’habitudes et de résultats ont forcé Craig Leipold à faire un changement massif » « Avec tous les joueurs vedettes qui volaient dans le repêchage et le marché commercial, Fletcher avait de nombreuses opportunités d’en décrocher un. Il était réticent ou incapable de faire ce qu’il fallait pour décrocher un tel joueur.Cela définira son héritage dans le Minnesota, peu importe le bien qu’il a fait pour la franchise dans son ensemble.Avec des problèmes de plafond salarial similaires, un bassin de prospects limité et un autre projet d’expansion prévu pour 2020, garder le Wild à flot sera difficile à accomplir pour le prochain directeur général du Wild, mais il est devenu clair que Fletcher n’est pas la personne la mieux placée pour naviguer dans les eaux de l’État du hockey. voix une chance de façonner le Wild à leur image. » Sont-ils même conscients de l’ampleur du gâchis dans lequel Fletcher a laissé le Wild du Minnesota lorsqu’ils lui ont tiré dessus? Dave Scott disant en janvier qu ‘ »il aura une chance de résoudre ce problème » prouve qu’ils ne le sont pas. C’est vraiment impressionnant de réussir à foutre en l’air deux franchises comme il l’a fait. Je suis plus que fatigué de ce gars. ###



  1. Expensive_Sink_4516

    Chuckles the clown has needed to go for too long.
    How does no one in management realize having no long term plan is completely idiotic and ruining us…

    We’re not doing an aggressive retool because he didn’t sign Johnny.
    We’re not rebuilding because he is trading draft picks for win now players

    We’re not rebuilding or retooling.Figure out a plan!

  2. StubbornLeech07

    > Are they even aware of how big of a mess Fletcher left the Minnesota Wild in when they fired his ass?

    What you do at another organization doesn’t matter when you are hired because Bob Clarke is friends with your dad and you worked as AGM under Clarke previously.

  3. trevallen39

    For all the flack Chuck gets (much of it deserved), he actually drafted quite well in Minnesota, especially in later rounds. Guys like Kaprizov, Haula, Zucker, Greenway. That being said, fire him NOW!

  4. Babstana

    I remember catching shit from Minnesota fans when he was hired. All the criticisms of what he did there are the same as what he’s done here. Up against the cap with no talent and no prospects. They were right.

  5. DesignerPlant9748

    To be clear I am not trying to advocate for Fletcher at all and fully believe that he has more than run his course here and he should have been fired awhile ago. That being said Ron Hextall was a fucking disaster here for 4 goddamn years and gets way too much of a pass.

  6. jlando40

    We knew this was going to happen the day he got hired

  7. AncientMoth11

    Best part of this season is I really got into international soccer. Team lost me. Toddler still tries to get me to put it on, but I tell her nothing is worse than bad hockey. Can’t do it to you, kid

  8. shinyRedButton

    I was horrified when he was announced as the Flyers GM. He fucked over the Wild so bad with truly awful contracts. It was no surprise to me when his first big move was trading a pick for the rights to sign Hayes first, and then overpaying him on a horrid contract. Flyers need to fully start over now. Every year Chuck is here we are multiple years away from being a good team again.

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