@Blackhawks de Chicago

Patrick Kane BAT LE BUZZER… ou le fait-il ? 🧐

Patrick Kane lance un tir frappé du haut des cercles pour gagner le match en prolongation, mais après un examen plus approfondi, le chronomètre de jeu avait marqué zéro avant que la rondelle ne franchisse la ligne. Dans la fusillade, Tyler Johnson est capable de marquer cinq trous, donnant aux Blackhawks de Chicago une victoire 3-2 sur les Golden Knights de Vegas.


  1. Just give it the Hawks at this point 😂 should have counted

  2. Imagine if that goal counted and Kane was traded tomorrow… THIS woulda been Kane's final moment as a Blackhawk.
    What a way to go out.

  3. i feel like it should have counted, he shot it before the clock expired. this sort of stuff just discourages playing the last 3 seconds of a game… since nothing will count why even play

  4. I watched this live and thought he beat the Buzzer. It's weird how the NHL has a different Timer clock then the Blackhawks station clock.

  5. It's crazy that the "official timekeeper" is different than what is shown to the crowd and the audience. At 0.1 seconds left, the puck had clearly bounced down off the bar, and would have crossed the line. And how is it that the light goes on BEFORE the puck reaches the net? Ah, the mysteries of the NHL. Good think that the Hawks got the extra point anyways.

  6. Total rip off. Somebody upstairs in the executive NHL office doesn't like Kane. Clearly the puck is in the back of the net with 0.1 left. Karma… Chicago wins it anyway. The truth shall set you free crappy NHL video review guys.

  7. How many times do they need to show the replay without the clock? What good does that do? We all saw it go in…

  8. Clearly the green light which indicates the end of the period came on before the puck entered the net. No goal

  9. This was a clear goal. I don’t buy “they say the green light was on”. It was a goal. Not only did they rob Kane from a great moment, but Vegas robbed everyone else who bet on Kane to score a goal. Too much money was bet, they had a chance to make millions and they did. Fixed.

  10. The refs had money on the Vegas Golden Knights and you can’t tell me otherwise. It clearly went in at 00.1.

  11. Old-school Kane-like clutch moment 😢 this makes a grown man cry with all the memories

  12. NHL and refs taking away one of those miraculous moments little kids dream about on frozen ponds worldwide. Just like the NBA, if the shot is in the air at 0, it COUNTS. Bettman, fix this.

  13. The game should've been over in completion of overtime. That shot was made before time expired

  14. It’s reasons like this why everybody hates Vegas, ik it’s not their fault but still this would’ve been amazing as Kane’s last game at the United Center as a Hawk if he’s traded

  15. That goal should have counted. There was one tenth of a second remaining. I don't know how the refs missed that one after reviewing it.

  16. the problem is that the game clock and the tv clock are different. I was in 308 behind the goal and it looked good. but i was hammered so what do i know

  17. Doing some math here: at 60fps I count at least 3 frames where the green lamp is in transition from dark to fully lit, which means there is ~0.05s of grey area there. Assuming Kane's slapper is 40m/s (~90mph) it traveled a full 2 meters (~6.5ft) in that period of time. That's 26 puck-lengths! So… does play end when the lamp begins to turn on, when it's fully lit, or somewhere in between? The answer results in a wildly different position of the puck relative to the goal line and time clock in this scenario. Buzzer beaters are rare in hockey, but this one is close enough that it sparks curiosity about the technology used to determine puck position. @NHL let us see the Statcast graphics on this one eh? 😉

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