@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Daily Shot of Penguins de DK : zéro point en 23 matchs… pour de vrai

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  1. Because once you demote them, they're going to be on the books and not contributing for the duration of their contracts. That's a Hextall signing and a re-signing that look absolutely terrible to management that he needs to go answer for. Hextall is going to give every possible chance for those two to figure it out.

  2. Ginner is a non-factor. He simply goes with the flow. It's time for him to produce or be put on waivers. He got paid for doing nothing.

  3. 30th in goals for above expected. 26th in shooting % on all attempts.
    This team can't finish. They generate high danger shots like a contender, but finish like a lottery team.
    If they miss the playoffs that will be the biggest reason why. They have to work too hard for their goals.

  4. I remember when you said that about McGinn. At the time I thought "no way! He looks good". Unfortunately, you were right.

  5. I believe that 1.1 mil isn't pro-rated, but rather a hard number for everyone. If you're making less than that you just get your cap hit buried completely.

    I would much rather get 1.1 mil relief of Blueger than I would of Kapanen. Or if some team values him for his past work then trade him ASAP. Blue's got 1 empty net goal in 41 games. Love the guy to bits, but he's just dreadful this season. He's regressed at 5v5 defense too, like on that Anders Lee goal that sunk us. Kap at least has 20 points in 42 games with an awful Center, with awful usage. His defensive game is serviceable too. I wish he could play with DOC and Heinen instead.

    But yeah, I feel bad for the Wilkes guys. There's a few doing really well down there and they have no chance for promotions under Sullivan. Accountability is meaningless to him now. He is afraid of hurting feelings. That wasn't the case when he came here. It used to be about winning. Now that he's won a few times it takes a backseat.

  6. Is there a chance this is Sullivan giving Hextall the middle finger putting that garbage line out there night after night?

  7. It almost feels like Hextall and Burke are intentionally trying to tank this season. Until some obvious changes are made for the better, that's what I believe.

  8. If they can't waive/trade McGinn, I don't think it would be horrible for him to be on the 4th line, his production is in line with what a 4th liner typically does, and he actually has more take-aways than give-aways. Kapanen's numbers are also within a 3rd-liner, he just doesn't do it consistently at all. It makes me wonder how much Carter is pulling these guys down. Not saying I like Kapanen or his contract, because Hextall really screwed this team with this move. But Carter simply just doesn't have it anymore. He needs to be in the press box because he's gassed. Even he might do better if he got games off here and there, because he did start off the season with 14pts in the first 26 games. He probably just needs more time off because they're not going to be able to move him at all. This all falls on the coach and GM for failing to at least try this.

  9. People really thought McGinn was gonna be the tanev replacement LMAO. Not only is tanev producing more but his energy was infectious

  10. The only answer I have for the 3rd line is that management/coaching feels they do not have better options anywhere in the Pens system. Even at that why would you continue to have the same 3rd line pairing intact when it does not produce anything and not at least mix up the components with the 4th line if you arent going to sit anyone? If you are hell bent on keeping Carter on ice, why not make him a winger and try that? No other viable centers in the system? You keep lines intact when they are working..or at least have a chance of working…

  11. why have the Penguins been so quick to scratch Heinen? I know he's done virtually nothing at all this season but neither have any other of the bottom 6 , he literally must be watching these last few games thinking to himself "how the fuck how they've not at least given me another chance to come back in the lineup and make a difference ." Again I know heinen has been not his best self this season, but you can truly see the complacency all throughout this management and team when there loosing games the same way every night and not even attempting to fix it by making any lineup changes what so ever, they just keep sending out the same players who are so comfortable on this team it's not even funny and hope for the best..

  12. What ever happened to Burke and hextall bringing some toughness to the team to protect sid and geno??? That certainly hasn’t happened. Team is way too soft on top of every other problem

  13. You need to fire Hextall now and force Burke to be acting Pres. of Hockey Ops and GM, because you really don't have anyone else to replace Hextall right now, and if Burke can't at least do something to improve the team, then he should go in the off season. That, to me, makes sense and gives this new ownership group the opportunity to take control or at least put their stamp on the team.

  14. Just one line is creating this false narrative that the top 2 lines are getting old. Sad.

  15. Used to watch every game since Crosby came in, not since the Mike Johnston era have I had to force myself to stop, its just painful to watch mismanagement on so many levels waste a fantastic Crosby season

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