@Canucks de Vancouver


Merci Rocket Money d’avoir sponsorisé cette vidéo. Essayez Rocket Money gratuitement : https://RocketMoney.com/Tree #rocketmoney #personalfinance Les Canucks de Vancouver ont été l’un des naufrages les plus horribles du hockey cette saison. Il ne faut pas être un génie pour déchiffrer cette conclusion de tout ce qui s’est passé. Une année où ils espéraient avoir une chance de revenir en séries éliminatoires s’est autodétruite plus rapidement que l’équipe avec une avance de plusieurs buts. Les joueurs sont jetés dans la niche. Les entraîneurs y sont jetés pour pourrir pendant des semaines. Une situation désastreuse à cause des péchés du précédent MJ. C’est l’enfer, et la seule façon de tout comprendre est de plonger plus profondément. Je n’exagère pas quand je dis que c’est un problème de tout. Bon dieu.


  1. Canucks fan knowing this was a long time coming. Was surprised this didn't come when Benning and Green got fired. But clearly this team has headlines every day, and the drama the last year has gave even less hope.

    If we don't get Bedard, no idea how we construct the team from here. We need the Vancouver native to get excitement back in the fanbase

  2. As a Vancouver sports fan, the legacy of the grizzlies, futility of the Canucks, lack of anything worth celebrating, I want to die

  3. I knew nothing about the Canucks prior to moving to Van in 08.
    The memes made living there bearable. Losing to my Bs in 14 and watching the locals riot was the icing on a funny cake

  4. I will always lament that the saddest thing about this team is that they SHOULD be good. They always manage to squeeze hope out of the fans until one to three years later, when it's absolutely dashed and exposed for the horror it truly is.

    The things that are terrible about this team SHOULDN'T be. Yet this limbo of promising talent, poor management, and empty promises comes at least once every two years. And we're here yet again.

  5. Why haven't the Seahawks earned their own video? I know the "Congrats, 2020 Seahawks" but that's not long enough. It doesn't have to be positive but at same time not negative. Say like The Wilson Era (2012-2021) or this past season. Both had positive and negative outcome. Just my thought.

  6. What do you mean Pettersson is checked out? He has been an absolute beast this season and is legit transforming himself into a great two-way center that could challenge for the selke in the near future if he keeps it up.

  7. I hate how the Canucks treated Bruce. At least the fans stayed behind him. I'll be glad to see him back in MS in March. The man is a hockey God down here, and is a huge reason why I'm a hockey fan. I really hope he gets at least one more shot. I'd love to see him win Lord Stanley.

  8. I’m saying with a straight face that the Cannucks are close to a cup win!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lol just kidding

  9. Dear Vancouver:

    A Kraken Fan

  10. Makes you wonder if Jimmy Haslam has any form of influence over the Canucks organization, cause when you look at the first 5 years since he owned the Browns, the similarities are kind of there. Even if entitled Yinzers insist the Capitals are the Browns of hockey, the Canucks are making a strong case of proving why they are "worthy" of such a dubious title (for context, the Cleveland Browns are a recurring punchline in the NFL throughout the 2010s, with awful drafting, awful play calling, and a front office that is heavily suspicious of each other cause of Haslam's interference or pitting teams against each other).

  11. Probably the team most desperately in need of a complete organizational overhaul, from the owner on down. Of course, pretty much every previous regime has been pretty bad for their miserable 50 plus years of existence.

  12. Like the firing of Boudreau this video was dragged out for a while to make us Vancouver fans suffer more. A legacy of failure is needed for this team but could you blame tree if he didn't want to do the research into this shit pile? I couldn't

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