@Avalanche du Colorado

Le statut actuel de Cale Makar prouve que le protocole de la LNH sur les commotions cérébrales a encore beaucoup de chemin à faire

Le statut actuel de Cale Makar prouve que le protocole de la LNH sur les commotions cérébrales a encore beaucoup de chemin à faire



  1. moar-warpstone

    Just shut him down as long as it takes

  2. coin_jar

    It’s a joke that he came back in the STL game. Like Aarif says, the game was over at that point.

    With the playoffs closing in, now isn’t the time to dick around with playing through concussions. Makar is critical for the team’s playoff success and the avs need to tread cautiously.

  3. willowmtn

    This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but not all concussions are the same and not all people respond the same to head injuries. We probably need to develop more scientific tests or whatnot to better understand and stage concussions, but a lot depends on how the individual feels. I’m sure Makar knows his body, and given how the Avs have handled other plays with concussions you know they aren’t pushing him back out there.

    Personally, I’ve had 3 big concussions and my clinical signs didn’t last past the initial signs. My nephew had a mild concussions and couldn’t pass concussion protocol for almost 4 months. His concussion was hockey related, and mine were 3 different circumstances.

  4. Delerium89

    Didn’t bednar say that makars new injury wasn’t head related after the blues game? I might be remembering it wrong

  5. vbcbandr

    I’ve had at least three minor concussions and one massive concussion. Way back in the 20th Century the three minor ones (from a variety of activities) would probably have been called « getting my bell rung ». The major one, I was out cold for like 30 seconds from going over the handle bars biking. Never had any lingering symptoms but 100% do not want another one. And 100% do not want to get a high elbow from some dumbass like Jeff Carter.

  6. skylan01

    Does being in concussion protocol mean he definitely had a concussion or perhaps they’re just playing it ultra safe? I am hopeful this is the case. Maybe his nose hurt so much that it caused pain near it and they just shut down for two games as a precaution. Obviously just speculation on my part, I can’t assume to know what the expert medical opinion is.

    Either way it’s not a good look now that he came back in the blues game when he wasn’t really needed at the end.

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