@Kraken de Seattle

[NHL Player Safety] Brad Marchand de Boston a été condamné à une amende de 5 000 $, le maximum autorisé en vertu de la CBA, pour un voyage dangereux sur Oliver Bjorkstrand de Seattle.

Baise Tyler Myers et aussi Baise Brad Marchand



  1. imthepits

    That’s a really sad result considering his history of intent to injure slew foots.

  2. seasportsfan

    Dickhead should be suspended to make a point. He will hear about this fine and make the “masturbation in the air” motion and chuckle to himself.

  3. RicoPDX0122

    Marchand is a talented POS player. They should triple that fine.

  4. inalasahl

    Why so many fines this year? Has the NHL just quit suspending people? This is ridiculous.

  5. Jazzlike_Buddy_1421

    He’s been fined more than $1.4 million over the course of his career; clearly fines do not deter him from trying to harm other players.

  6. seataccrunch

    Wouldn’t mind seeing karma take a good bite of Marchand

  7. Tutelage45

    Would’ve been a different game had he gotten 5+10 for it

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