@Sabres de Buffalo

Le Tage Thompson Show continue !

Tage Thompson poursuit sa formidable saison avec un tour du chapeau pour aider les Sabres de Buffalo à une victoire de 6-5 sur le Lightning de Tampa Bay.


  1. As an owner of Tage on my fantasy team, I will forever love this man. Even next year when he probably won’t be on my fantasy team

  2. you better hope this guy doesnt get any more confidence or he will dominate the league

  3. that second goal he was cherry picking harder than ive seen in a while, not saying thats a bad thing, just wow,.

  4. Watch #81 on the Lightning (same guy that elbowed Okposo in the face later in the game) shove Tage down and then the sweet karma right after that he’s the only guy back on that 3 on 1 and Tage buries it in the net. Looks like Tage had a few choice words for him right after 😄🖕🏼

  5. And with that third one, he beats his last years goal record of 38. And demolished Vasilevskis 12 home game win streak

  6. tnt is so aware of when to take off. he is a step ahead mentally of everyone else on the ice. the last goal — puck really does somehow find the better players

  7. God I love it when the Sabres fans are louder than the home crowd. Live by the sword, die by the sword baby!

  8. Thompson gets hit late by Cernak on the previous zone entry, proceeds to score, and then stares down Cernak and says “F#*ck yeah baby! You like that?” 😂 Love it. 0:16

  9. Tage Thompson is the closest thing to Mario Lemieux that I’ve saw in my 35 years watching the NHL. What a treat!

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