@Islanders de New York

Pourquoi les fans des Islanders détestent John Tavares

Un hommage sincère à l’ancien capitaine des Islanders, John Tavares. Je ne possède aucune de ces images. Veuillez noter à 5:37 où JT dit « Je ne voulais pas aller dans une équipe et j’avais l’impression que l’équipe devait soustraire ce qu’elle avait » ce n’est pas en réponse à la question qui la précède (de Stan Fischler). C’était une erreur d’édition dans la hâte de le sortir, je comprends que c’est quelque peu trompeur et je m’en excuse. Cependant, il a été rapporté (comme indiqué à 5:20) que Tavares avait demandé au GM Garth Snow de ne pas l’échanger pendant la saison. Il n’aurait pas dû faire ça. Alors que Tavares aurait pu être plus évasif dans sa langue plutôt que d’essayer d’apaiser les supporters locaux, l’équipe aurait dû croire ses actions (ne pas signer une prolongation à partir de l’été dernier) plutôt que ses paroles (« Je veux rester, Je me plais beaucoup ici »). Tavares a géré ça comme un connard, mais ce sont les Islanders qui ont merdé.


  1. Hopefully this ass wipe never wins a cup! Lets go Islanders!! The "kid that won the Calder" is three wins from the finals and you are still icing your face at home. Karma is a bitch.

  2. Haha 2nd straight trip to the semi finals. 3rd straight year going past the second the first round. ummm maple leafs haven't made it out of the first round….coincidence??!! NOPE!!! I wonder what he's thinking now 😂😂😂😂

  3. By the way love the video, and look at what we’ve done without you, asshole!

  4. Karmas a bitch. That’s why he got that freak knee to the head. Hockey gods spoke that night.

  5. He didn't want to cost his NEW team any assets??
    I don't expect JT to turn down $11 mil (even though he waited to jump after the deadline at the expense of the team) *as long as he doesn't expect Islanders fans to think he isn't a piece of shit*.
    Isles may win a cup before the MapleLeafs get out of the dressing room. Can you say schadenfreude?

    PSssst- Maple Leafs- if your star player is willing to fuck over his last team, he'll be willing to do the same to you.

  6. He was totally lying, but as a die hard Islanders fan. I am glad he left, the Islanders are better without him.

  7. You know what’s funny? I don’t even feel sad anymore. This guy leaving helped the isles in the long run.

  8. As a kid I used to think, imagine only local players could play for thier respective NHL teams? Ontario would have an extra 15 teams to add to the league. Keeping the league full decade after decade, gotta love it! Not saying other players aren't as desirable but fuck I am proud and impressed by how many high-skilled Ontarian born players we produce! Too bad I turned out to be a POS though lol

  9. I remember this from a Tampa perspective J.T was saying the same things Stamkos was because the rumors he would go play with the Leafs but Stamkos met every word about Tampa and now is a multi time champion and I respect the hell out of him for it. But, J.T legit stabbed every die heart of the Isles in the back because if it had been our 91 I’d have been shell shocked so I totally get it . I dislike J.T for y’all . There’s right ways of doing things and wrong ways and it couldn’t have been worse

  10. This is not Tavares's fault. This was the GMs fault. Tavares took a huge pay cut in his first contract so the GM could build a good team there, they didn't.
    The GM should have traded him or the owner should have started making changes earlier instead of letting it get down to the wire the way he did.
    If it makes the Isles fans feel better, it's almost guaranteed that the same thing is going to happen to the Leafs because Matthews has a no movement clauses in yhe last year of his contract and the Leafs have no interest in trading him before it kicks in.
    I am positive he is leaving once his contract expires

  11. I think the thing that irked me the most when people defend him by saying of course he said he would stay, what was he supposed to say? Um, players in every sport will say I'm going to test free agency. Panarin flat out told Columbus he wouldn't resign him.

  12. Why so bitter? lol I love that he is a Leaf, he plays with some of the best talent in the league, and the best player in the league.

  13. John said « hopefully we can work something out and I can stay » and they didn’t bc dubas gave him the better contract so he left meaning NYI didn’t « work something out » with John

  14. I'm not an Isles fan but fuck this guy and everything about him. The best part is now pajama boys fan base is turning on him

  15. Toronto would likely give him back. You got his best years out of him. At 11 M a year the Islanders were spared. And you got Lou.




  17. JT proved to the world that he is a hockey player with lots of talent and no class. That will be his legacy.

  18. Worst move ever for the Leafs and Dubas …. can't get rid of him now. Leafs stuck with him 3 more long sad years.

  19. Bruno gervais who played with JT on the isles said on a Montreal radio show in Dec of 2017(they had dinner together when the isles were in MTL) that he wasn't sure if Tavares was gonna resign with the Islanders. Because the interview was on a French language station it was largely ignored.

  20. Y'all don't realize that Islanders owner Charles Wang, who was still a minority partner in 2017 btw, would NEVER HAVE TRADED Tavares even if John begged him to. Y'all don't know how Strange this entire saga was, Tavares kept stringing the isles and their fans along during 2017-18 but few if any knew the dynamic that existed with the club while Charles Wang had any say in the club. Wang insisted that one stipulation of him selling a majority portion of the isles to John ledecky and Scott Malkin was that then current GM Garth Snow be retained for the near future, when Wang had basically no more say in the club, snow was dismissed (the club missed the playoffs two yrs in a row under weight giving up nearly 300 goals in 2017-18) and Lou lamoriello and then Barry trotz was brought in..

  21. Islanders got better without him honestly. They built a just as effective offense without him (a more balanced offense) and the goaltending and D got night and day better. It would’ve been nice to get picks out of him tho. He just walked to so he can sign where he wanted to

  22. It was complitely understandable and acceptable that they hated him. he literally said he isnt going anywhere, and then just signed with the leafs. what he should have done is let the islanders trade him so they dont just lose him for nothing. his contract was expiring either way after that season and he could have signed with the leafs after that.

  23. Holy shit I never heard the sound bite at 5:28. What an asshole…basically no matter who he chose in FA, he didn’t want to go via trade so they didn’t subtract from a core. That’s how the business part of it works!! Some people are just not cut out for FA decisions and he’s one of them. Imagine getting someone like Nylander + back? Barzal-Nylander every night is a huge difference

  24. As it turns out Tavares leaving for Tor was one of the best moves in Islander history. That is reason Brock moved to 2nd line Center & we had enough Cap space for a well rounded team. Trotz was able to preach "We dont have any stars so the only way we can Win is if you fully buy in to my Neutral Zone Trap system. Then we will shock the Hockey World". If Tavares resigned everyone wouldve looked to John to carry the team.

  25. 0:39 and 0:46 is kinda why I started to understand how good he was, I wish he never left the team. Of course he loves to people and says he hopes to be back and hopes to stay, yet he leaves to his hometown maple leafs

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