@Maple Leafs de Toronto

PLUS DE LEAFS TRADE TALK avec NHL INSIDER FRANK SERAVALLI | Prise du matin des Leafs – 24 février

À une semaine de la date limite des échanges, Frank Seravalli de NHL Insider & Daily Faceoff se joint à Nick Alberga pour discuter des dernières nouvelles sur les Leafs et de ce qui pourrait se passer d’autre dans la division Atlantique d’ici vendredi prochain à 15 h, heure de l’Est. Découvrez Frank Seravalli sur Daily Faceoff Live pour plus de discussions sur la date limite des échanges autour de la LNH : ➡️ https://youtube.com/live/KNB84PUay78 🚨 Abonnez-vous à Leafs Nation sur Youtube ! theleafsnation401 Plus de discussions @Toronto Maple Leafs? 🚨 Mike Rupp https://youtu.be/uuuZand20J0 🚨 Chris Johnston https://youtu.be/OoNJApwthi8 🚨 Matthew Knies https://youtu.be/v5YT3Gy37QM 🚨 Darren Dreger https://youtu.be/cuTApjUEIA4 🚨 Dylan Strome https://youtu.be/i0gO8gxK9jA 🚨 Bruce Boudreau https://youtu.be/LX6s9RdUt7o 🚨 Elliotte Friedman https://youtu.be/5xfeS_-vSqU 🚨 Frank Seravalli https://youtu.be/zHcNMmXSmmA 🚨 Claude Giroux https://youtu.be/DJw7XY7XxrA 🚨 Cam Janssen https://youtu.be/1iR3cgYsW1I 🚨 Carlo Colaiacovo https://youtu.be/LVD6Naf_SZI 🚨 Tim Micallef https://youtu.be/-1xDYpJxR44 🚨 Isaiah Mustafa https://youtu.be/_OM5hG9Wpsc 🚨 Matt Luff https://youtu.be/fQRT9XzDBSs 🚨 Gagnez-en un pour Börje https://youtu.be/dmwLBeALJEI 🚨 Adam ‘Edge’ Copeland https://youtu.be/8BFc4zW7n2U 🚨 Frankie Corrado https://youtu.be/G8IoupeF094 🚨 Interview de Barry Trotz https://youtu.be/S5l_GxV-8RQ 🚨 Colby Armstrong https://youtu.be/-XWvVaR_Z1M 🚨 Keith Yandle https://youtu.be /4XAGAdXI1t8 ______________________________________________________________________________ _ 💻 Site Web : https://theleafsnation.com 🐦 Suivez sur Twitter : @TLNdc @thegoldenmuzzy @Jay_D_Rosehill 📺 Abonnez-vous sur Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@theleafsnation401 💻 Suivez sur Facebook : https://www. facebook.com/tlndc #leafsforever #torontomapleleafs #nhl


  1. Saying the Leafs paid more than Florida did for giroux? They got tippett 10oa a 1st (that may be lottery)and a 3rd. What fckn planet is that less than the Leafs paid?

  2. Frank is quite a good reporter, but he's not making sense re: the O'Reilly/Acciari trade. The Flyers actually got MORE for Giroux, who is a lesser player than ROR, than St. Louis did for these TWO players, both of whom are a huge boost to Toronto.

  3. Franky boy seems confused. Accari definitely fills a desperate need of physicality.

  4. Finally someone who is not afraid to speak truth about the Leafs and the O'Reilly acquisition. Playoffs will tell, not a 3-goal game with Mitch feeding him – one game should not make or break a trade. The cupboards are now getting pretty slim if they don't go deep this year.

  5. So loves Boston's trade for Hathaway for the 4th line, but acciari doesn't serve a purpose for the leafs….huh…. weird take

  6. I agree boston unloaded the contract so value wise that SEEMS that's better.. However Ryan O'Reilly is > orlov so of course the leafs paid more. Orlov is good and moves the needle.. Ryan O'reilly is 32.. he's nearing the end of his prime but he's still in it.. a poor season with St Louis we already see doesn't mean anything as he just had a hatty and 4 point night vs buffalo.. He's playing with his best linemates ever now and we know he's one of the bigger difference makers in the league. Selke winner and runner up, cup champ.. and above all else STANLEY CUP MVP!! CONN Smythe winner.

    Leafs paid more because they got the clear better asset.. End of discussion Seravalli i like, but he's wrong here. but that's ok.

  7. I love to hear these sorts of opinions, even when I disagree. When I heard this trade my first thought was, oh smart, Acciari notionally fills a minor need, but more importanlty he launders this deal and makes it look like less than 4 draft picks and 2 forwards for a rental.

  8. People reacted negative because it's where its coming from. He shrugged off Acciari like he dosent bring value ? You can have takes but when they are narrow minded it's going to get a reaction

  9. Yes Noel filled a need this guy knows nothing always hated this dumb guy that does not know hockey a bum

  10. Who is this frank guy what has he ever done in or for hockey that was good he has never been right

  11. Frank saying well Dubas talked about not removing from your roster on the weekend so I don’t see him trading away Holl. Weren’t you the guy after the ROR deal who said this is exactly what Dubas said he wouldn’t do? Read between the lines buddy

  12. He doesn't fill a need but he fills a void? Wtf does that even mean? A void in a line-up would be hole. A hole in a line-up needs to be filled. That makes it a need. Everyone has known all season that our bottom 6 needed help. Not sure how he sits there and says he didn't fill a need.

  13. That guy is 100% wrong, yea at this point its tor vs tb . But going with the old format, that means toronto can push for 3rd at play another opponent, with this format we all know it's leafs vs TB since like game 25 .

  14. So is Frank saying the Leafs didn't need a gritty forward who is top 5 in hits like Acciari? Does this guy even watch the Leafs???

  15. There are hockey media, ex-GMs & ex-NHL players whose analysis I value. Kypreos & Seravalli are not in that group. Seravalli describing Acciari's value as "fills a void" & "he's just there" tells me all I need to know. He says the Giroux get price as being what would be the ceiling for O'Reilly. People whose views I value, described the get price as exactly what those 2 players would cost & the Leafs have toughened & improved the team. What Seravalli neglects to say is Giroux & Chiarot did not move the needle for Florida, especially vs Tampa. The cost in my view, was higher than the Leaf deal with Tippett, two 1st's, a 3rd & a 4th going out the door. His comment "if the bar is set at winning a round, then everyone's lost the plot" is BS. Dubas et al have never said that was the goal, so STFU. The road for Tampa, Boston or Toronto to reach the conference final is simply more difficult than any other division in the league. Only one will get that far. We'll see who in April.

  16. the current playoff format absolutely sucks 1 – 8 2 – 7 3-6 4-5 simple no bs..

  17. Silly and stupid take. Yea Claude Giroux price last year was different because that was last year! Prices are varied based on supply and demand. Assets and price for a player doesn't remain constant year to year. No wonder this dude is getting lit up on Twitter.

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