@Jets de Winnipeg

Josh Morrissey signe des autographes à Joe Daley’s Sports aujourd’hui.

Josh Morrissey signe des autographes à Joe Daley’s Sports aujourd’hui.




    Im here too. They’re currently at #30, I’m at #140.

  2. TentCityVIP

    Fuck, I wish I’d known about this earlier, no way I’d get in at this point I’m sure

  3. Wonder if he got word of the trade while there!

  4. 5ubatomix

    Scheifele is doing one next, but I forget the date (I deleted it from my calendar cuz, well, I can’t afford it).

  5. cloud_hidden_unknown

    Did not know Ricky from Trailer Park Boys was a Jets fan.

  6. beeafletcherberry

    Joe Daley was my favourite goalie, growing up. It’s good to see his shop is still going

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