@Predators de Nashville

Grande histoire de Nashville : après 26 ans en tant qu’architecte des Predators – la présence la plus constante de l’histoire de la franchise – David Poile prend sa retraite du poste de président des opérations de hockey et de directeur général, à compter du 30 juin. On s’attend à ce qu’il reste dans un rôle de consultant .

Grande histoire de Nashville : après 26 ans en tant qu’architecte des Predators – la présence la plus constante de l’histoire de la franchise – David Poile prend sa retraite du poste de président des opérations de hockey et de directeur général, à compter du 30 juin. On s’attend à ce qu’il reste dans un rôle de consultant .



  1. Rinne4Vezina

    Holy shit. I expected he’d go out on his own terms but was not expecting it today.

  2. themarkster09

    Well how about that! I’m wondering if he was pushed into retiring or it was 100% his call

  3. categoryone

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

  4. Bout5beers

    Thanks for all you’ve done but you’ve done all you can do. It’s just time to change it up.

  5. Baboshinu

    >Trotz expected to be his replacement




  6. Soto4Life

    Wow this is fucking huge for the organization

  7. Bkoster85

    Hope we can appreciate Poile for all he’s done. Still a legend. Nothing would make me happier than seeing him get a ring as a consultant

  8. MalenkayaCherepakha

    I am totally shocked, I did not expect this today

  9. Infraction_

    I mean this needed to be done but if you think that big sweeping changes are coming you’re sorely mistaken. David Poile will remain in Nashville. Brian Poile may well too. Trotz was basically hand picked by Poile to be the next GM. Who knows what Trotz does, don’t be surprised if things stay status quo.

  10. thedeadlyrhythm42


  11. lalojenkins

    I still respect Poile but holy crap I’m excited for Trotz to take over.

  12. _Dirty_Commie_

    I’m curious. Do y’all think that the Nino trade yesterday was the last straw for him, and that management told him to retire or be fired? Friedmann said that Trotz is “starting work immediately,” so I was curious what that meant, and how that plays into the rest of the deadline.

  13. CommiePuddin

    Is now the point where we pretend like David Poile is complete piece of shit and never did anything good for this city in his entire career?

    I’m just trying to be one of the cool kids someone please help

  14. xiamhunterx

    Mitch Korn YOU ARE a nashville predator

  15. lizardgal10

    Not the news we expected, but the news we wanted.

  16. Birdhawk

    Paging u/artaiten ! How you feeling?

  17. bomberfan2

    FINALLY. FUCKING FINALLY. About time change at the top happens. Poile has done so much good for this franchise and I could go on and on forever about it but this was needed badly. Trotz as the replacement would sick.

  18. Bad_Karma19

    I wonder if Poile had to be begged to stay… this reeks of they can’t do hockey in Nashville without him being around. Trotz gets to learn on the job with the guy who passed the game by looking over his shoulder and is practically the co-GM still. I guess an outside set of eyes is too much to ask.

  19. Wow. Good wow though, we’ve been waiting for this. I was necessary.

  20. suschap21

    I’ll always have respect for Poile’s years of work in Nashville, but this is a huge W for the organization

  21. Seib7290

    Feb. 26, 2023, a monumental date in the history of the Predators franchise. Trotz having a Cup to his name now, can only help with the future of this team. He now knows what is needed to win the Cup in todays NHL.

  22. Tht_GuyUNo

    Wait…. we did it? WE FUCKING DID IT?

  23. I wish him all the best in retirement, and hope y’all achieve even greater things with Trotz at the helm. Happy you guys finally got some change.

  24. DBTornado

    I’m thankful for what he did here, but also thankful to see him stepping aside.

    Now, give me Trotzy, Karl Taylor and about 4 hours and I’ll need to see a doctor.

  25. cchristini

    Ohhhhh my God it’s finally happening??? Can I have hope again??

  26. Gibbie42

    Ok so how does this work now? So Hynes heads to Washington and Lavy up to the Islanders and in a few years when Trotz is done then Lavy comes back to be GM? Can Hynes retire for good before he cycles back?

  27. YogiFiretower

    Can’t wait for Trotz to be the new GM.

    Number 1 Defense and the worst power play in the league HERE WE COME!!!!

  28. WillCode4Cats

    This is somewhat bittersweet news to me.

    I do not doubt that this a better move for the organization to take. I do not believe Poile was going to really improve our situation going forward.

    On the other hand, I am extremely thankful, and will always be thankful for what Poile did for this organization and this city. He has been nothing but a key instrumental figure in the success of this franchise. He gave countless players a chance no one would ever bat an eye at. I am also thankful for the countless hours of entertainment and wonderful memories he has given us fans.

    Here’s to a long and healthy retirement, and I am glad to see he is still going to be part of the organization in some manner.

    I wish him nothing but the best.

    Thank you, Poile.

  29. Strider755

    I just told my Season ticket agent yesterday that I wouldn’t renew unless Poile and Hynes are gone. Maybe that had something to do with it?

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