@Flyers de Philadelphie

Nous n’allons pas participer aux séries éliminatoires », déclare Torts [Crossing Broad]

Nous n’allons pas participer aux séries éliminatoires », déclare Torts [Crossing Broad]



  1. No_Bank_330

    He is right.

    At the same time, we are 10-15 points higher in the standings than we should be.

  2. AngledLuffa

    > We all knew this team was a long shot to make the postseason, but it’s still a little jarring to hear the coach of a 23-28-10 squad with 21 games left say that it’s over and done. You never know what might happen. What if the Flyers get hot and go on a fuckin’ HEATER? It’s highly unlikely, but you get the point.

    I want what this guy is smoking. If they win 15 of their remaining 21, [*they still miss the playoffs*](http://www.playoffstatus.com/nhl/flyerswhatif.html)

  3. DefendTheLand

    I’m more pissed they didn’t go full tank. This season was ripe for it and we miss on a chance to get Bedard.

  4. ruck_my_life

    And today from the « No Fucking Shit » Desk at Crossing Broad, here’s Flyers correspondent Kevin Kinkead.

  5. flyersfan2588

    Crossing broad is still a thing?

  6. RebuildFletcher

    At least Torts can say it as it is as opposed to the gentlemen’s club that is our current upper management. It’s honestly so ironic that we have a coach that hold’s his players accountable to a pretty high degree, while the guys at front office never gets held accountable for anything and faces no consequences for whatever they are doing.

  7. Steppyjim

    The only one who didn’t know we weren’t trying to make a run anymore after Torts letter was this guy apparently

  8. andrewskdr

    Not sure if torts is the right coach but I love his blunt PR

  9. GrundleThief

    I could have told you that in September

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