@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Jamey Baskow] Hier, j’ai reçu des informations crédibles de plusieurs personnes, y compris une source fiable selon laquelle JvR était sur le point d’être échangé au Minnesota contre Jordan Greenway, et les Flyers cherchaient également au moins un choix de deuxième tour. Peut-être que le choix était le hold-up

[Jamey Baskow] Hier, j’ai reçu des informations crédibles de plusieurs personnes, y compris une source fiable selon laquelle JvR était sur le point d’être échangé au Minnesota contre Jordan Greenway, et les Flyers cherchaient également au moins un choix de deuxième tour. Peut-être que le choix était le hold-up



  1. TwoForHawat

    The second round pick was indeed the holdup, because Minnesota wanted to give us a second rounder and Chuck Fletcher, who has a crippling fear of second round picks, refused to accept it.

  2. HockeyNut2

    Sounds great to me. I like that kid.

  3. Previous_Cycle_6404

    Chucky just can’t stay away from Minnesota.

  4. bluspy88

    Why in the fucking world would we take a multi year contract of a bottom 6 winger who has 0 offense. He works hard but we have SO MANY players like that

  5. Perryplat199

    Someone tell me how to feel about this guy

  6. colt6288

    It astounds me that Chuck Fletcher is not legitimately laughed out of every single room he is in with anyone that knows anything about hockey.

    This mother fucker is straight brain dead. Never ever thought I’d say things like “Man, maybe Holmgren wasn’t that bad?”

  7. Motor-Temperature956

    Greenway is a fucking negative. They should get a 1st to take on his contract. Anything less than a 2nd is criminal.

  8. RebuildFletcher

    Greenway is yet another bottom 6 winger that plays hard, which our whole entire team is filled with. I would consider him a negative value atm. Retaining a portion of Hayes salary while also taking Greenway in return for only a second round pick would be highway robbery from the competent Wild GM. Not shocking that Chuck would bite on this as he drafted the guy, but that trade would be malpractice. At least a first is needed here considering you retain salary AND take negative value in return…

  9. Neilpuck

    This is not the player we need right now. Taking on a 3MM salary and contract for a low producing player, is the opposite of what we need.

  10. ClearSights

    If we don’t get at least a 2nd with that trade then Chuck lost

  11. Danish1928

    Will continue not to care about this team until Fletcher is gone.

  12. DH28Hockey

    Let’s not mince words here: it will be a fucking *disgrace* if the move Fletcher makes is JVR for Greenway and a 2nd rounder. That 2nd should be the compensation for taking Greenway alone, let alone for acquiring arguably the top rental winger left on the market

  13. Previous_Cycle_6404

    I’d be more happy with trading JVR for future considerations to be honest. If they want to go negative might as well get the most cap space without adding a player

  14. Solertia

    The last thing this team needs is another shit contract. Also, why are they trying to get reclamation projects from other teams when they can barely develop their own players?!

  15. Mike_R_5

    4 years ago I’d have loved this trade.

    I’d still like it though. I like Greenway, he has size and can skate. He just never developed the scoring touch he was supposed to. Was shocked top see he’s only 26.

    If this is an early offer, I feel like it bodes well. I do worry that fletcher seems to get tunnel vision on trades and focus on only one partner or player to move. I hope he doesn’t negotiate JVR for Greenway to the exclusion of all other offers.

  16. AVG_intelligenc3

    Someone called it in an earlier post

  17. Padre072

    Can Chuck literally do ANYTHING that doesn’t involve Minnesota?

  18. Steppyjim

    Keep greenway I’ll take the 2.

    But honestly the way the market exploded JVR should fetch at least that. We’re gonna undersell our guys again I can feel it

  19. Mason_35

    So you’re telling me that he supposedly turned down a Vegas trade and another that included a top rangers prospect but he’s going to take this awful deal? I’ve never seen a gm so incapable of making trades, the fact it took this long to just get some awful player and a 2nd is embarrassing

  20. CrunchyKorm

    It’s been said by many others before, but what gets me about the current era Flyers’ approach to roster moves is just how wildly uncreative it can be.

    Even beyond the players abilities on the ice, it’s just amazing how many of the guys who the Flyers end up bringing in are *their* guys; dudes who the front office has had connections to in past rumors, or are directly connected through Fletcher’s time in Minnesota. If a player doesn’t have some connection to Minnesota, or wasn’t favored by the other consultants in the FO, then it’s as if they don’t exist or aren’t worth targeting.

    And what’s even worse is that not only do they have a narrow window of players they ideally target, but that they’re so enamored with those players that they overvalue them. Which leads to moves like trading draft picks for a RFA (multiple times) just so they don’t hit the free agency market, or giving bad players a NTC.

  21. Greenway is horrendous. Taking him in a trade is a favor to the Wild and should improve the pick the Flyers get. It should be a 2nd if they take the Greenway cap dump and 3rd if they don’t.

  22. Snips_Tano

    But look at it this way – we get back a guy who can play defense!

    Sure no offense, but when Atkinson and Couts come back…

  23. WooderFountain

    Who wants to go picket in front of the Comcast building until Chuck Fletcher is fired?

  24. vwchris11

    You have an opportunity to rid yourself of 7mil for free. Why in all creation would you take salary back? Greenway is fine but we have a roster full of fine. You could spend that 9mil over the next three seasons actually making your team better or using it to acquire picks.

  25. BloodAndTsundere

    That is so fucking stupid. I would rather just let JVR’s contract expire or get, like, a 7th rounder for him then pick up another bloated contract.

  26. Ok_Orchid7131

    Greenway, for fucks sake. Just why do we need another of someone else’s projects. 5 years in the league and this is his worst so far. 2021 season was his best, but he seems to be regressing or hurt or just a product of his linemates. Can anyone explain why this is a good move. I guess if we get a second that’s a win?

  27. Snips_Tano

    Just take a 3rd back if it means we don’t have to take somebody’s dead weight

  28. vinny8244

    I’m sorry but he’s brain dead. Your going to finally have 7 mil off the books completely and he’s going to absorb 3 mil on a bottom 6 player? He should be fired immediately if he makes that deal.

  29. Arseling69

    Why are people bitching about this lol? I’ve seen soo many comments the past months from people complaining about how JVR was barley worth a 3rd. If Fletcher gets a 2nd and a young roster player with skill that needs a change of scenery then that’s good value. The Flyers have plenty of cap space going forward. Between ELLIS LTIR’ing and everything else coming off the books will have an extra 16 mill in space. 2 years at 3 mill for is 1000% inconsequential. Maybe greenway doesn’t put his offense together here either and we end up with a young solid 4th line defensive forward long term. Oh well. Still not a bad pick up with a 2nd. If he puts it together though and starts popping 35-45 points then congrats. You not only got draft capital but replacement level production for JVR for much cheaper.

  30. HerefortheLAN

    What would Jordan Greenway bring?

  31. No_Bank_330

    The Wild traded for Johansson from the Caps getting a third in return.

    Chuck done screwed up again.

  32. IPA_lot_

    This dude sucks. Greenway is nothing to write home about either.

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