@Flyers de Philadelphie

Chuck dans son bureau pendant que nous parlons…

Chuck dans son bureau pendant que nous parlons…



  1. colt6288

    There needs to be a “Get Fucked, Chuck” chant at this point.

  2. FlyersLaForest

    Can he, idk, GET FUCKING GOING

  3. Micksar

    If someone isn’t making him an offer, there’s really nothing he can do. His phone only takes incoming calls, poor guy.

  4. Flyingchairs

    Chuck is patiently waiting for all the buyers to already fill their needs, then he can come in and sell at the lowest possible value on Friday. Checkmate league

  5. chipyip

    Honestly might be better if he does nothing. He’s never made a good trade, dude is a fuckin moron.

  6. Steppyjim

    There are 800 trades happening today and he’s making none of them.

  7. DH28Hockey

    We are watching arguably one of the best sellers markets ever going on over the past week and the only real conversation on the Flyers end is that some teams may like Kevin Hayes and if acquiring a 4 point, 3 million dollar winger is a good idea.

    I expected next to nothing and I’m still dissapointed

  8. GoldenHourShower

    I love these lazy Saturdays

  9. No_Bank_330

    While Chuck was trying to flip JVR to the Wild they went out and traded a 3rd for Johansson from the Caps.

    Good job there Chuckie.

  10. RebuildFletcher

    The reason Howie Roseman has done such a good job with the Eagles for the past 2-3 seasons is because he’s always on the phone talking to other GM’s looking for deals. Chuck Fletcher is the polar opposite. He just sits there and waits for someone to call him. Maybe that’s the reason he hands out NTC’s to everyone, even fourth-liners so he can avoid talking to other GM’s.

  11. babiesmakinbabies

    I bet he trades this year’s first round pick to clear salary. LOL.

  12. Mason_35

    I feel like most teams have made their moves or used their decent/good picks to get some the players they were eyeing up. I really don’t expect anything positive to occur this late.

  13. AngledLuffa

    Shit is just flying around everywhere, and so far we’ve traded one bust for one nothing. It’s a fucking joke

  14. babiesmakinbabies

    I didn’t know that he went to Harvard. If that’s not an indictment of the Ivy league being all hype, then I don’t know what is.

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