@Canadiens de Montréal

Panthères @ Foudre 2/28 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Panthers de la Floride au Lightning de Tampa Bay


  1. I’m getting so sick of these mid season shitshows the lightning do every year. It’s like they only show up half of the time. Now luckily I’m used to them doing it so I’m not concerned for the playoffs, but I’m disturbed by the way they play in the mid season. We’ve seen what the lightning have done to the panthers when it mattered, it’s not even close when it comes to who’s the better team. Boston fans are lucky in that sense, I almost never see the bruins have a terrible game. Expecting a 5-1 drubbing from the penguins on Thursday.

  2. well 7-1 last game and tonight 4-1, cats have destroyed the lightning once again. left them with no thunder…:)

  3. Duclair has been absolutely impressive since coming back

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