@Canadiens de Montréal

Bilan de la conférence de presse – 28 février 2023 Post Game Edition

**Segment de joueurs :**

[Pengu] « Je sais que Pitlick est un très bon joueur et il peut voir ces jeux, donc en fait je m’attendais à ce que la rondelle vienne et c’était un excellent jeu de sa part » – Ylonen à propos de la passe décisive de Pitlick sur son but

[Pengu] « Il a été irréel » – Ylonen sur Allen

[Emrith] [Kaiden Guhle says he felt good out there in his first game back in 2 months – a little rusty at first but he said he was pain-free.](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630815080991412226?t=2cQ7k72wdx8r6Zpw8Du8bQ&s=19)

[Emrith] [Jake Allen poked fun at Kaiden Guhle when asked if it looked like the rookie D-man didn’t miss a beat after being out for two months: « I saw him sucking wind a few times »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630816640957816832?t=seCca8sI96Unm1f5ObqEwQ&s=19)

[Emrith] [Jake Allen on Kaiden Guhle: « he’s naturally gifted, he’s a really good player, he’s going to be a horse for this team for a long time »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630816984420982789?t=Gy4KuFBwvS-akLuvsolTjw&s=19)

[Emrith] [Jake Allen: « the trade deadline obviously it gets a little overblown with the media, social media – it is what it is. There are a lot of guys on this team that aren’t going to be traded; I don’t think a lot of guys have a whole lot to worry about… »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630819527511425027?t=PZstdeFJ1V8_lqnOhGUOwQ&s=19)

[Emrith] [Jake Allen on the looming trade deadline not being a distraction to the players: « on Friday or sometime this week if your name gets called & you’re moved on, that’s the nature of the business unfortunately but guys are just in the right mindset, right mood… »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630820119172595712?t=cqZUhoJHWH5p3Qvh76MHeA&s=19)

[Pengu] « Tu dois donner à un gars comme [Savard] beaucoup de crédit cette année. Il maintient ce groupe ensemble. Il le fait vraiment. Et il mange des minutes folles, mais il n’obtient pas de distinctions, n’obtient pas de récompenses. Mais il maintient ce groupe ensemble. Les garde légers. Les garde lâches. Et sans lui cette année, je pense que ça pourrait être une autre histoire. Je pense qu’il est une énorme pièce de ce puzzle. » – Allen **Segment de St-Louis :**

[Emrith] [Martin St-Louis: « we talked between the 2nd & 3rd that we need the 3rd period to be our best period tonight & it was that. Guys stuck with it, we didn’t have to cheat for it, we stayed patient & just trusted the style and brand that we play to put us through »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630820974441422848?t=RtN4wa4KG5Wd7L8vs3J7CA&s=19)

[Emrith] [Martin St-Louis’ first impressions of Denis Gurianov’s game: « as advertised….a lot of speed, great shot, not afraid to take the puck to the net but I was also noticing a lot of good habits away from the puck…it’s exciting for a coach… »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630821946043580416?t=A-ybnMNFWKmd5zYKrfGQuw&s=19)

[Emrith] [Martin St-Louis on the newly constructed 1st line of Hoffman-Suzuki-Gurianov: « I thought that line played well; I thought Suzy had his fastball tonight »](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1630822527332122627?t=k8-VNDX5nB3VE4SmZeqhuA&s=19) **Remarques Habby :**

[Engels] [Tom Petty’s I won’t back down blaring in Habs room.](https://twitter.com/EricEngels/status/1630812961202634752?t=tH2o_5-nQ7SJBQHvcCajLg&s=19)

[The Poor Man’s back up goalie seat (Picture)](https://twitter.com/MA_PerreaultTVA/status/1630810333601484800?t=BjqW4K-vxrStpFFfVDUgBQ&s=19)

[Ole Birds vs Boo Birds (Video)](https://fxtwitter.com/MA_PerreaultTVA/status/1630808024234487808?t=8r6K_WfOqFfm0wviK1Cq7w&s=19) **Presse complète (liens vidéo) :**

[Players Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1630813876898918400?t=dgC_htTtNFyBvg8fDjrh9Q&s=19)

[St-Louis Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1630817031942549512?t=LUDWRiZIeaHXt44-d9ov9A&s=19)



  1. mikegimik

    So what Allen is saying is that David Savard is the anti-tank commander – methinks it’s time to trade the saboteur /s kinda

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