@Flames de Calgary

Braises du matin : 1er mars 2023

Les Flames perdent contre les Bruins 4-3 en prolongation

[Condensed Game Here](https://youtu.be/gngJfqOx4AI) Prochain match : 2 mars contre Toronto à 19h00 HNR



  1. At this point just get to ot and purposely lose. We ain’t doing any damage this year we could at least break the ot loss record

  2. K so I just discovered Jason Labarbera is our goalie coach not Sigalet. Anyway fuckin fire that dude he’s a terrorist

  3. backchecklund

    Well… Expected a 6-0 Bruins, and yet I am still fucking sad. Atleast Pelts and Huby keep bonding, can’t wait to see them next year with a different centre

  4. HumbleInterest

    I know I’m probably in the minority and it doesn’t actually materially help, but last night was encouraging in almost every non-goaltending way. They actually played good checking hockey and they didn’t get walked all over by far and away the best team in the league.

    Wish we got the extra point but glad that, for once, we saw some urgency.

  5. ReactiveCypress

    There’s about 20 games left. If we can go 10-0-10, that puts us at 98 points. I want to see us break the record for OT losses now.

  6. thehoodie

    Maybe Vlad or Marky can fake an injury and we can call up some AHL goalie to give it a go? Couldn’t be any worse.

  7. CaptinDerpI

    I said it last night, but it’s like Charlie Brown with the football

    Every time, he thinks he’s gonna kick it, and then it gets pulled away at the last second

    Except instead, we trip, fall flat on our faces and don’t even get close to kicking it

  8. To be honest as encouraging as that game was, part of me thinks its only because we had a tired Boston that just was playing a little slow. I dont see them doing that on them fresh

  9. YYCAdventureSeeker

    Man – so much negativity on Flames threads. That was a great hockey game last night. We had some tough no-calls against us (instigator, high stick, roughing), more posts (Looch deserved that goal so much), and a few bad breaks, *but* the boys played well and it was a fun game to watch. Sure the Beez were at the end of a roadie, but they’re still #1 in the league and our boys took it to them.

  10. phohunna

    Was forced to watch the Bruins stream last night.

    Jack Edwards sounds like he’s half asleep. And he kept calling Pelletier « pell-a-teer. »

    Great game though. Too bad about those first two goals by Vladar. Markstrom looked great in net.

  11. noor1717

    Oof just saw the highlights. Vladar let in the two first shots 😂 you can’t make that up. Those should have been saves. Our team is in such a different spot with goaltending. I wonder what happens at the deadline and offseason. I hope we don’t make any huge changes like trading lindholm cause that would be too big of a player to replace. Shit even backlund too. I can definitely see the argument for toffoli though

  12. cloudyboy

    The knowledge that if the flames has .910 goaltending and played like they did last night we’d have a 21-0-0 record down the stretch kills me

  13. bettycrockerinmybum

    They looked good. Honestly since the Allan Walsh tweet, they’ve been very good with Colorado being the worst game.

    This game and Vegas should’ve been 2 extra points. But if they keep this effort, they will have a chance.

    Now let’s catch either the Jets, Kraken or Oilers. Or (Minny if we beat them twice lol)

  14. Hello I just woke up from a coma that started directly after Johnny’s game 7 ot goal. How is my beloved hockey team doing?

  15. lastlatvian

    One our best games of the year, we just need to learn how to put games away. Might be just a sad fact we need patience and to run this back next year.

  16. Boodogs

    Andersson – Weegar + Tanev – Hanifin, very good.

  17. Neckshot

    I thought this was one of the best efforts I’ve seen from them all year. Vladar shit the bed but thought Marky looked pretty good. Still seems to be some issues with our fundamentals. Powerplay still sucks, and don’t know how to play 3 vs 3. We made so many bad changes, it didn’t bit us in the ass like it did with Vegas but it easily could have.

  18. Beginning-Gear-744

    Blew a late 3rd period lead and lost in OT. Rinse and repeat.

  19. swoonpappy

    You aren’t wrong, but my concern with moral victories at this point is that we’re going to end up in 9th which is just about the worst thing you can do. Clearly even if we make the playoffs we aren’t going to be able to seriously compete so I hope tre does some tinkering these next few days.

    Goaltending is also a massive issue for us which we don’t really have a solution for.

  20. backchecklund

    FWIW, even though this season has been a disappointment to say the least, I really enjoy the change made in the off season. I’m not saying I don’t miss Mony, Johnny or Chucky, but last night seeing Huby, Pelts and Weegs celebrating the 3rd goal made me so happy. These guys are part of our future and it’s so nice to have a new, fresh core. Will they have better success than the last era guys? We’ll see, but I’m feeling good about them

  21. xThunderstruck33x

    Why do some people think we are going to sell and make a move for the future?

    This organization has proven time and time again that it doesn’t care about winning cups. It wants to sell tickets to 2 or 3 playoff home games, and that is the goal. They don’t have the patience to wait a few years and draft some good players.

    Treliving also doesn’t have a contract next year, and I doubt they are going to let him blow it up unless he is getting extended.

  22. Chemical_Signal2753

    The Flames have the worst PDO in the league. While most people consider this a luck stat because of its tendency to revert to the mean the following year, I consider it more of a team wide underperformance stat. If our PDO was « average » we would have a goal differential that was (at least) 40 higher. Having the second most shots per game, the second fewest shots against per game, and being mediocre in goals for and against is extremely unusual.

  23. Is there any downside in calling wolf up for a few games? Does it take a year off his elc?

  24. sesh_on

    We have played in 36 1 goal games and our record is 13-10-13. Imagine if we we could have salvaged 6-8 more points in those 23 loses. We’d be in mix for leading the division. An extra goal or save to make it into OT for the 10 reg loses or winning in OT/SO. It’s not hard to think this team is better than their record, but damn this feels like a lost season.

  25. SupahPlaya

    Only 21 games left and we need 25-30 points. We’d need to completely change as a hockey team to accomplish that. Not looking great.

  26. carmelized_onionz

    This year has probably been the most frustrating year cheering for this fuckin team

  27. noahmiller032

    I know Zadorov blames himself for the Colorado game but this one was largely his part, and somewhat Vladar’s as well 🙁 all things considered though we played well and should’ve won but we got a point and almost beat the top team in the league

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