@Flames de Calgary

[Friedman] Canes parlant à Flames de Backlund et Zebulon

Fondamentalement, les 2 seuls gars que je veux désespérément prendre ma retraite en tant que Flames…



  1. Individual_Potato629

    No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

  2. Erkules19

    Zebulon leaving would be heartbreaking.

    Backlund would too but he’s 33 so its more logical from an asset standpoint to move him even if it would hurt.

  3. treple13

    Using the phrasing here I get that Carolina is asking. I don’t think Tre is dumb enough to give away our key guys

  4. JayTalk

    Dudd if Zebulon leaves, our center depth is in serious trouble. I feel like thats us throwing in the towel.

  5. DevoidAxis

    I don’t think Carolina has enough 1st round picks for this to be even a thought

  6. Monabae

    May as well commit to a rebuild if you’re trading Lindholm

  7. Anything less than 2 firsts and multiple blue chip prospects and I wouldn’t even kind of consider this deal.

  8. BidwellGetDown

    The Lindholm thing doesn’t make sense to me, unless they’re doing a full on tear down. I have a real tough time in believing that they will after the off season. You need someone like him for the “retool” and there’s no one in the pipeline or on the roster to replace what he does.

    Backlund or Toffoli on the other hand are two fantastic complementary pieces for a contender. Which fucking sucks cause I’d really rather the Flames keep ‘em, but if the price is right I can see ‘em being gone.

  9. Grimmer026

    Canes are way too late to the buyers party

  10. KrolWorld

    I’d literally rather have no trades this deadline

  11. No thanks! But hey have you guys ever considered what Lucic would bring to your team…

  12. backchecklund

    Backlund has stated many times that he want’s to retire as a Flame and his family loves Calgary. Lindholm has already once wanted out of Carolina, so I don’t know if he’s willing to move either. It would make sense trading them, but it would be heartbreaking, maybe even more than Johnny and Matthew leaving

  13. BLARG13

    Obviously we want both to stay moving forward, but it’s a business and also we don’t know what’s said behind the scenes, maybe both have no intention of extending. If that’s the case and we’re in a playoff spot at this time next year we might walk both to free agency and get nothing for them.

    That would be tougher seeing them walk for nothing. I’d prefer to get a boatload of assets if they’re not committing to staying.

    So who the hell knows what’s going to happen. Such a disappointing season all around with all the posts we’ve hit and all the 1 goal losses especially missing out on the winners point in OT. We should be top 3 in the Pacific at the least.

    Big decisions loom for Treliving. You have to listen to everything.

  14. rockylion

    This is fine, we can always move looch up as a 1st line centre…………

  15. NovelLoss4081

    Lindholm back in Carolina would be absolutely hilarious when you think about how he mocked the fans after coming here lol

  16. phohunna

    Teams will come to Brad asking about Backlund and Lindholm, but leave confused with Lucic and Ritchie.

  17. b-mint94

    I’m gonna cry like a bitch if Backs is traded

  18. undeletable-2

    Back off!!! Get your own sandwich!

  19. These guys combine for 92 points so far this season, I would be interested to hear what the return would be.

  20. SomeJerkOddball

    Ugh, don’t make me cry Carolina. Those are two of my favourite Flames all time. I definitely want them both here until they’re ready to hang them up. Backlund Especially. No one but Iggy has played 1,000+ games for Calgary and Backs is on track to do it.

    Everything has a price, but we’re talking the moon to dislodge either of them. Also, I think it implies that we’re going for a full on rebuild if we ship either of them. I don’t know the Carolina stable well enough to understand what they can offer back, but a non-lotto pick sure as hell isn’t going to cut it for either of them.

  21. tritongamez

    My god please don’t trade them

  22. treple13

    IF we are retooling, you deal someone like Toffoli.

    IF we are rebuilding and tearing down, you have to start with the longest contacts like Huberdeau/Weegar/Kadri

    Backlund/Lindholm don’t fit either

  23. tritongamez

    No. And those guys aren’t even on the table.

  24. CanadianRockx

    If Backlund is moving it better be his choice and his choice alone because he’s said that he wants to stay here and retire in Calgary.

    Also, regardless, if he goes we riot

  25. HunrMoon

    They better pay the price if we’re dealing last years selke finalist or this years selke contender.

  26. Accomplished_Skin_22

    It has to be a massive haul if you’re trading Lindholm, but you’d have to rebuild if you ended up trading him. There’s nobody organizationally that can replace him as 1C

  27. kissarmygeneral

    If those two leave you have to think Naz and Huby are going to be PISSED

  28. Ok_Acanthaceae_9563

    Nope nope nope nope nope

  29. bettycrockerinmybum

    I don’t see this happening im sorry. That’s like either 3 firsts or they are giving us Necas and a first for just Lindholm. Let alone adding Backlund.

    Friedman said Carolina called Calgary about centres, and Pagnotta made a bigger deal out of it.

    No way we trade them last minute

  30. Neckshot

    Only way this would happen is if we were in full rebuild mode and we’re not. Could see Toffoli moving but that’s about it.

  31. ChaosDwarfEnjoyer

    Carolina is not a team I’d be excited about trading with. They’re run like a « Moneyball » franchise and if they’re trading with you it’s because they are getting better value back than they’re giving. That first would be like 26th at best, maybe even in the 30s. not all that interesting

  32. swordthroughtheduck

    I’m down to move anyone on the team except these two. I’m way too attached.

  33. Backlund the Keystone to why our third line is elite. He grabs his linemates by the haunches and makes them elite with him.

    Backs should not be traded unless teams value him for what he is worth and not just a « simple 3C. »

  34. katiecatalyst

    If Backlund gets traded I riot

  35. Barqueefa

    If we lose Backlund or Lindholm I will have a hard time cheering for this team. At that point I want a full rebuild.

  36. tallmaletree

    I’ll be devastated if lindy leaves. I seriously want him to retire a flame

  37. sanjake_312

    The Canes can have L(ucic)inholm if they want him!

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