@Lightning de Tampa Bay

[POSTGAME] Penguins de Pittsburgh @ Lightning de Tampa Bay – 02/03/23 – Ouais, toujours bâclée

#Le score de la boîte

[Full stats at NHL.com](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022020977) ## Tableau de bord – Équipe finale | 1 | 2 | 3 | OT | Total —|—|—-|—-|—-|—- IPP [](/r/pingouins) | 0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 4 ##Équipe de notation | Buteur | Descriptif | Aide 1 | Aide 2 | Période | Heure —-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—- TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | COLTON !!!! (14) | EV, à pointe | Jeannot (10) | Sergatchev (34) | 1er | 5:39 FOSSE [](/r/pingouins) | Pétry (4) | EV, bof | Croby (46) | | 2e | 6:06 PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Pétry (5) | EV, mauvaise couverture | Carter (13) | Hein (12) | 2e | 6:31 To [](/r/tampabayéclairage) | INDIQUER!!!! (38) | PP, rebond | Killorn (29) | Sergatchev (35) | 2e | 9:39 PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Zucker (18) | EV, mauvais partout | Pettersson (18) | Carter (14) | 2e | 15:06 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | STAMKOS !!!! (27) | VÉ, laser | Kucherov (64) | Vasilevski (2) | 2e | 0:39 FOSSE [](/r/pingouins) | O’Connor (5) | EV, aussi mauvais | Archibald (5) | Létang (21) | 3e | 18h59 [](/r/tampabaylightning) | HEDMAN !!!!! (6) | EV, blindé | Stamkos (37) | Pointe (34) | 3e | 15h50 | | | | | | ##Équipe des pénalités | Joueur | PIM | Infraction | Période | Temps | But marqué pendant le PP ? —-|—-|—-|—|—|—|—- TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Perbix | 2 | Accrochage | 1er | 7:27 | Pas de tuberculose [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Hagel | 2 | Déclenchement faible | 1er | 14:21 | Pas de PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Pettersson | 2 | Interférence | 2e | 9h10 | OUI!!!!! TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Banc (servi par Perry) | 2 | Trop d’homme | 2e | 12:43 | Pas de PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Létang | 2 | Rondelle sur verre | 2e | 18:34 | Pas de PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Pétry | 2 | Rondelle sur verre | 2e | 18:38 | OUI!!!! TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Killorn | 2 | Haute adhérence | 3e | 1:29 | Pas de PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Malkine | 2 | Accrochage | 3e | 7:59 | Pas de PIT [](/r/pingouins) | Rouille | 2 | Accrochage | 3e | 10:04 | Pas de tuberculose [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Marron | 2 | Déclenchement | 3e | 13:19 | Non | | | | | | ##Tirs au but Équipe | 1 | 2 | 3 | OT | Total —|—|—-|—-|—-|—- IPP [](/r/pingouins) | 13 | 10 | 8 | 0 | 31 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 8 | 11 | 11 | 1 | 31 # Date des prochains jeux | Temps | Adversaire | TV —-|—-|——–|– 04/03/23 | 12h30 | @BUF [](/r/sabres) | DIM 05/03/23 | 15h00 | @ VOITURE [](/r/cannes) | TNT :((( 07/03/23 | 19h00 | contre PHI [](/r/dépliants) | DIM 09/03/23 | 19h00 | vs VGK [](/r/chevaliers d’or) | DIM 11/03/23 | 19h00 | vs CHI [](/r/faucons) | SUN #Notes * Fuck cette merde, arrête d’être stupide Bolts



  1. CleanCR7

    Kuch’s play in OT makes me want to bleach my eyes sometimes

  2. JBurlison92

    This team has sucked the past 2 weeks.

  3. SwagFondue

    Frustrating that we dominate play for 90% of the game, but offer up full fucking breakaways which are leading to these goals. Same shit as the Buffalo game, guys need to get it together.

    I’m still confident going into playoffs, but goddamn are these games hard to watch 🙁

  4. AutomaticLead

    this game reminds me of that buffalo game would like to say that yes defense has been a issue but the goaltending has not been the best Vasy could’ve stopped some of those

  5. MrSCR23

    Can we please get the defense sorted out? Seriously wondering if it’s a structure problem.

    Also stop fucking up simple plays!!!!!!!!!!

  6. skimmer419

    Feel like I’ve said this too often recently, however the Bolts have been rather mediocre in March the past few seasons. Obviously we’d all prefer to see them playing more championship level hockey, but point is that these games are not worth overreacting too, really.

  7. HannTwistzz

    Our russians are broken and TBF Raddysh aint that guy nothing new to report still terrible and sloppy

  8. zwar098

    This team is in a major slump. Just feels like they cant get out of their own way with the constant mistakes.

  9. dolewhiplash

    On one hand I feel like that was a better performance than the past few games, and I know we go into this slump at this time every year and they’re trying new things and conserving energy and all that and that it will be different when the playoffs start

    On the other hand, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  10. Wayf4rer

    Wow, I can’t believe the forever AHLer got burned, didn’t see that one coming. Perbix in OT screening vasy too, nice. Oh, and Mr. Averaging 50 games a season is hurt again, this is really going well.

    On the bright side, now we have to get a RHD or we’re going to get our wigs split in 4 games by the leafs.

  11. HateToBlastYa

    Man why are a lot of those guys playing like they don’t give a shit

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