@Avalanche du Colorado

Il est fou (et je l’aime)

Nhl met en évidence l’avalanche du colorado nathan mackinnon en colère contre mikael backlund dans les flammes de la nuit dernière contre les faits saillants de l’avalanche où nate mackinnon but les faits saillants de la lnh aujourd’hui 2023 étaient nombreux. Les nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui et les rumeurs commerciales de la LNH volent aujourd’hui, mais les faits saillants sur les avalanches du Colorado se déroulent sans heurts réaction au micro entraînement au hockey nouvelles de la lnh rumeurs commerciales #nhl #highlights #nhlnews


  1. To me it feels like Landeskog is the good cop to Nate's bad cop. As the 'C' Landeskog is a bit more of a calming and stable voice for the team, while as an 'A' MacKinnon can really get the boys fired up. And if he ever maybe takes it a bit too far Landy is there to help out and calm things down. Of course Landeskog does still get heated and he'll absolutely fight as any good C should.

  2. Was a good hit and and he had a cry about it. It's called keeping your head up if you don't want to get hit.

  3. Nate doesn’t want the C. Gabe is an AWESOME captain. Look at how he handled the Preds Dman last year after he ripped Mikkos helmet off. Gabe’s the cool calm and collected where Nate is the driving force

  4. Every time Mack gets visibly angry on the ice all of us avs fans know he’s going to turn it up a notch. One of the few players who gets better when they’re mad. It’s been a huge treat to watch him for the past 10 years.

  5. Not to forget he is feared. With his speed and great scoring he is a force to be reckoned with

  6. Poor Flames, I'm a Flames fan too and the start of the season every fan thinking wow we're gonna win it all, and now…..such a frustrating season for the Flames.

  7. As a lifelong Avs fan, I fucking LOVE getting to watch this dude play night in and night out. Watching him turn on the jets and blow past an entire team will NEVER get old. With cale out again, and gabe still gone, he knows he’s the undisputed leader, and he’s stepped WAY up since the beginning of 2023. Burnaby joe struck gold with this guy back in 2013 and he continues to reap the rewards a decade later. Between him and rantanen, to have 2 guys who are THAT good and both play 2 way hockey, and then add guys like cogs, Alex new hook, it compher, new re-addition Matt nieto, nichushkin and the captain when he comes back? And those are all just our forwards. Joe has built something really special here. If we can hold onto a playoff spot, and then get landy back for a run? The west better watch out for the avs.

  8. Mac became 100x more dangerous of a player when he learned how to channel that anger. You can tell when he's pissed on the ice because he'll literally skate the puck all the way down himself, juke out 2-3 guys, and score.

  9. I would love to hear why Mackinnon reacted the way he did to the hit, almost looks like he took a stick butt to the torso/arm

  10. Love The Nate Dogg. He's buddy sid has been the fiesty the one for the pens this season too. Which is wild to me. Anyway great video 👍

  11. Aside from the obvious talent I think this season has proved how much the Avs miss Mack and Landy's leadership when both are gone. It's a night and day difference in energy and focus when even just one is on the Ice.

  12. Nate Dogg is such a talented forward and an absolute fkn savage when he wants to be. Nova Scotia baby !!!

  13. It’s good to see a star player stand up for themselves but I’m not sure why that hit pissed MacKinnon off so much. It was a normal, legal check.

  14. As an Avs season ticket guy Mac is the glue of the team, but Landy is the guy that applies the glue.

  15. Mackinnon is easily the best or second best under mcdavid in my opinion. Whoever’s 3rd on that list in my opinion is a couples levels a below them

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