@Blues de Saint-Louis

Blues acquis par Jakub Vrana

Blues acquis par Jakub Vrana



  1. ContrastingWords

    5.25 left in his contract, defenseman has to be going, right?

  2. inreverie187

    Didn’t expect to wake up and see this on a Friday morning.

  3. chiddie

    Low risk, high ceiling

    Let’s goooooo

  4. PurifiedVenom

    I have no idea how to feel about this. Don’t like that he has another year left on his $5mil contract but also, cojld be a steal if he gets back to where he was when he signed that contract? Need to know why he was placed on waivers

    Edit: DET is retaining 50%, that makes this a lot easier to swallow and answers my question of why we didn’t pick him up off waivers

  5. SeiderFiveThree

    With all the help in personnel you guys have given us, we really hope Vrana can work out for you guys. He can SCORE GOALS, so I have no idea what happened off the ice to tank his value so hard. Take good care of him

  6. mhanna86

    Why didn’t we pick him up off of waivers then

  7. TheGokFather

    The fresh starts for Kap and Vrana is going to be good. They’ll get lots of ice time and play important minutes. Hopefully they can both get their swagger back a little, but not till next year plz

  8. dixie12oz

    Don’t know much about the guy but looks like he can score. But saw he’s been placed on the player assistance program and with Red Wings seeming to want him gone makes me think he may have issues behind the scenes. Perhaps a change in scenery will help.

  9. Corpsicle_xx

    He was my favorite Red WIng, 100% our best scorer when he played. Yzerman just failed with this whole thing. Treat him well.

  10. Dude_man79

    On this frowny face of a season, this is at least an eyebrow raiser. Maybe this and the Kap trade are catalysts for all those 1st rounders coming in?

  11. callmepaulwall

    Solid forward pickup. Making the remaining season games of Blues hockey more exciting to watch. Wonder how soon he’ll play

  12. the_dayman623

    Stick him with Rob Thom and let’s go

  13. mostatoastest

    The reverse Fabbri trade – DET owes us a few.

    YES PLEASE. I hope he’s feeling alright and feeling up to it.

  14. MinnesotaII

    After seeing the “trade alert”, my eyes went to the wings logo… then I thought “that’s not how you spell David Perron!”😂

  15. Welcm2goodburger

    What’s the story on vrana? Has he had injuries or lost his mojo? He’s played barely over 40 games on the last three years

  16. dronesareaccurate

    I’m liking the Alliances Doug has been making.

  17. STLBooze3

    Doug and Stevie y have a love to trade with one another

  18. MidnightMateor

    An undrafted 27yo center with no NHL experience and a 7th round pick? Seems like no risk, all reward on this one. Especially with Detroit retaining 50% both this year and next.

  19. DEEPfrom1

    Where getting faster. KK and Vrana have some wheels along with Kyrou (if he opts to use it) and RobTom.

    We need some D who can skate, other than Leddy.

  20. MidnightMateor

    If the alternative was buying him out, the Vrana move makes all the sense in the world for Detroit. Basically paying an extra $700k next year in retained salary to avoid a $1.9M cap hit in 24-25 and getting a 7th and a AHL player in the process.

  21. FrenzySZN

    Absolutely awesome move. This guy is a 25-30 goal scorer and we got him for nothing.

    I know there’s some off-ice stuff but I’m pretty confident he can resolve that and contribute.

  22. I thought the image showed that we traded Dan McLaughlin.

  23. I think the big win here is Detroit retaining 50%

  24. The_Mother_Luigi

    Slowly becoming the island of misfit forwards

    Blais, Kap, Vrana, Brown, Pitlick, Leivo

  25. Hotstreak

    I really like that pickup. He had 21 goals and 31 points in 37 games with Detroit before getting injured.

    Then was a 25 goal scorer with the caps and a 50 point guy with them.

    Very low risk as the wings are retaining salary. Army has done a really good job this deadline!

  26. saintlouisarch

    I love this deal. Dude is a pure goal scorer who, outside of injury, has had some really good years in Washington and Detroit.

  27. scrivensB

    I see lots of buzz for Vrana and Kap, but it seems far less likely that there is much hope on Army’s part that these guys suddenly find their swagger and live up to their talent.

    These moves feel like “we need NHL bodies”.

    If either of these guys plays real minutes next season there’s a good chance that means the rebuild is not just a 2023 cleaning out UFAs and grabbing assets type of thing. It’s a two or three year thing, IF things go well.

    I hope to be wrong about this. I hope these guys show up to play quality hockey, that Army can fix the D somehow between now and next season, and that the Blues are a quality playoff team with a chance to become a contender again with another year of growth and a key transaction or two as they move beyond next season.

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