@Ligue nationale de hockey

Atlanta pourrait-elle devenir un marché du hockey?

Atlanta pourrait-elle devenir un marché du hockey?



  1. blue-lloyd

    I’d be all for it just because they wouldn’t stop at 33 teams and that means Quebec City would likely get a team

  2. FreshOutOfTheAsylum

    I mean there’s still a stadium there. LETS GO THRASHERS!

  3. funislandcouple

    They’ve failed twice. How about no?

  4. Rowdy_Roddy96


  5. Glum_Apartment_434

    “Insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein

  6. AndonPerr

    How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

  7. dislikesolives

    As someone who lives in GA, I really wish hockey could work in ATL. But it won’t. They’ve tried twice and it failed.

  8. Opposite_History_705

    Yes bettman can do that in thrashers hockey return to atlanta

  9. jac0bm1

    Please no. We need more Canadian teams. – Me, an American hockey fan

  10. Feowen_

    It is a hockey market.

    Thrashers had shit owners who didn’t care about the team, it wasn’t lack of interest, it was lack of interest by the owners who barely marketed the team or tried to grow the franchise that doomed it. They were more interested in their other team which was far more profitable.

    A good owner/ownership group could get a team to succeed in Georgia.

  11. theonepat

    Why not, so they can relocate the team within 5 years to Québec? Third time is a charm

  12. The1SeaWolf

    “Atlanta – where Canadian hockey teams are born.“

  13. Currieben

    Portland, Quebec and Houston all need teams before going back to Atlanta for a 3rd time please 😂

  14. inflatabledancintube

    i told my fiancee yesterday, a « flex goal » of mine is to start a hockey team in mexico city. the zapatistas, mascot is a chupacabra. it would rule

  15. sirhellaz

    Why doesn’t Wisconsin have a team? I always thought Milwaukee would be a bad ass city to have hockey

  16. jazzyjf709

    Awesome, this is the first step in Quebec getting another team.

  17. Odd_Philosopher1712

    Could the annual salary cap dumping ground move from phoenix to atlanta? Will that team eventually get sent to quebec city when the rules about salary caps change? Could the nordiques return to canada?!?!

  18. Wellfudgeit

    Calgary and Winnipeg have their doubts.

  19. Blueberry41598

    Why does the nhl seem so opposed to adding a Canadian market team? Seems like a slam dunk to me.

  20. Over-Emu-2174

    Maybe they can draft Patrik Stefan Jr.

  21. Viddlemethis

    How about they fix the TV blackout problem and grow the fan base before trying to succeed again in a market that has failed.

    NHL leadership is run by dumb fucktards.

  22. matteatsyou

    For an NHL franchise to be possible in the “Black Mecca” the sport really needs to grow within the black community. Until that happens it won’t work. Unfortunately, hockey isn’t the most accessible to the non-wealthy, which based on shitty historical circumstances, black people tend to belong more to than white people. This is why whites make up the largest racial group of the fan base of the NHL and hockey as a whole. Not to mention plenty of racist incidents have occurred with black players over the years. Doesn’t make it hard to see why hockey isn’t the most inviting among that community.

  23. JHangout

    There is a team in Arizona not doing anything.

  24. ASFabbs716

    I mean if you’re a fan of failure then bringing a fourth team to Atlanta is a solid idea.

  25. TypicalCanad1an

    Another Canadian team before Atlanta again.

  26. Ohh great… another expansion draft………

  27. jkman61494

    Quebec is finally gonna get a team by 2035!

  28. i am all for expanding the game, even to non-traditional markets but for the love of fuck’s sake, put a team back in quebec already. does the idea of a renewed battle of quebec not sound intriguing? i believe that halifax can also be a potential suitor for a franchise.

    when there were talks of an expansion team in southern ontario, allegedly (letterkenny voice) buffalo and toronto both cried about it. but if the islanders, devils, and rangers can make it work, WHY NOT?

  29. johannesBrost1337

    I mean it’s worked out really well in the past!

  30. AmericanVoiceover

    Atlanta can be a very good hockey market. But NOT with Bettman in charge. He let the Atlanta Spirit Group illegally buy The Thrashers from Time Warner. The guy who should have bought them, David McDavid, successfully sued Time Warner for millions. [https://www.espn.com/espn/news/story?id=2078443](https://www.espn.com/espn/news/story?id=2078443)I remember when The Thrashers left that the Deputy Commissioner said they would be open to a team in a new stadium in the northern burbs. The mayor of Atlanta at the time was totally corrupt and did nothing to save the team. He also let The Braves leave for the burbs. The ECHL team in the northern burbs does very well. They also need to build more hockey rinks for youth players around Atlanta. There are none in DeKalb County (pop over 750K) which is terrible.The Flames left because their owner, Cousins Properties, was bankrupt. They sold all their assets and now are worth billions.The Atlanta Spirit Group was always cash-poor and the guys with the most money were based in Boston and DC but sued each other for FIVE YEARS over mismanagement of the Atlanta Hawks.The Thrashers organization was so bad that they never had a goalie coach until the last season and a half. Get someone stable with loads of money to build a stadium (or add on 5K and more suites to the ECHL Georgia Power Arena) and it would work.It would be poetic justice to re-locate the Coyotes (former Jets) to Atlanta (current Jets).

  31. Grumpy_Old_Man71

    Third time’s a charm?

    What does Gary Bettman think is different from the two other failed attempts?

  32. AnonPlzzzzzz

    There are too many teams already.

  33. wawaboy

    Having attended one Thrasher game, I came away with the overall impression that there’s no way this should work.

  34. This should only be allowed if the original teams go back. Current Jets go back to being the Trashers. Current Coyetes go back to being the Jets.

  35. intelpentium400

    For the 3rd time??? Forget it. There are already too many teams in the NHL. Last thing we need is another shitty southern market.

  36. cpt_Armature

    You can take Phoenix or Arizona or whatever they are called now… that team is dead

  37. boltswinagain


    Then yes, a Thrashers revival would be stellar.

    ~~Please I still have my CCM Thunderbird jersey with the NHL2000 patch~~

  38. New_Nebula_8447

    Get one in Quebec City and Houston too.

  39. nysom1227

    Either 3rd time’s a charm or they should stay away because fool me twice shame on me with regard to the NHL has already happened.

  40. guitarpatch

    Sounds like a great way for Quebec to get a relocated Nordiques

  41. calvee123

    Ahhh…. Nope… not before Quebec City.

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