@Sabres de Buffalo

[Pagnotta] Le Minnesota échange Jordan Greenway contre Buffalo

[Pagnotta] Le Minnesota échange Jordan Greenway contre Buffalo



  1. Cough_Syrup55

    Like this move. Buy low on a guy Granato coached before

  2. Son_Of_The_Empire

    We send a 23 2 and a 24 5

  3. slightlyuglyboss

    LOVE THIS GUY. Exactly what we need on this team. As long as the return isn’t crazy for the Wild, I love this trade


    Love how big the Sabres are. He will be a great addition to the middle 6.

  5. ColonelJanSkrzetuski

    Blue and Gold make Greenway!

  6. tootnine

    OMFG! I FUCKING LOVE THIS! Love Greenway. All’s forgiven

  7. Timotheus2443

    Greenway gives a bit of jam in the middle 6 that we don’t have.

  8. HerdTurtler

    A Canton, NY native. Vibes are off the charts.

  9. AddictionsExWives

    This is good. We need younger players to fill that physical role. When you’re looking at Girgs and Okposo, they’re getting up there in age and can’t necessarily continue fulfilling that role.

  10. Green_hippo17

    Granato must thinks he can get more out of him

  11. BU-ffalo

    I fuckin love Greenway. Used to watch him back in college. The dude is massive and plays like it. The main way I remember him is he’d be stick-handling with one one hand and stiff-arming a guy with the other. Plus, ever since we lost E-Rod and O’Regan and Hickey and Eichel, we’ve needed some more BU guys

  12. MoneybagsMcghee

    At least we’re trying something can’t hate that. We’re not going to die if he doesn’t work out and we lost a 2nd

  13. xBialyOrzel

    The good news is he’s a defense first winger, who’s huge and we needed that in our middle six. The bad news is he takes a ton of penalties and his finishing has been quite poor. So it is what it is, the real question is, who’s coming out when Tuch returns to the lineup?

  14. sarcastic_man_13

    There’s got to be another trade coming. Who does he replace if they don’t trade out another forward?

  15. DistressedSportsFan

    I’ve loved Greenway since watching him in the WJCs. Thought he’d come cheaper, but ultimately he’s not a rental and brings an archetype we don’t have in our lineup. I’m a fan of this move

  16. BillsByABillion

    Low cost to acquire for a young player who may have more to give. good move

  17. bigger_chungus_

    6’6 230 with upside, i like it

  18. ClaymoreJFlapdoodle

    Wild fan coming in peace. I really hope y’all got something to change his gears up.

    Wasn’t clicking here that’s for sure.

  19. gollumaniac

    These last two games showed we had a real issue without Tuch since we don’t have anyone who plays that style. We also don’t have anyone in the pipeline who plays that style. Greenway has the potential to be fill that role, now he just has to do it. Worth the late 2nd to see.

  20. Stabres

    I very much like this, has two more cap friendly years left and will bring that physicality for the home stretch and down the road.

  21. LRonKoresh

    Nice! We just grabbed another defenseman from Anaheim too

  22. gourmet_popping_corn

    What’s the over/under for how long it’ll be until Buffalo renames a street after this guy? He’s got the perfect name for it.

  23. the_missing_worker

    He’s a big guy. BIG GUY. We love our BIG GUYS don’t we folks?

  24. Responsible-Fox-9082

    I like Greenways game and honestly him with Krebs could be a great combo

  25. MinnePuffin

    Wild fan here! Take good care of Big Rig. He wasn’t clicking here, but I really love him! I hope he does amazing for you guys.

  26. YepImanEmokid

    Between him and Stillman I am stoked. Softbres no more!

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