@Golden Knights de Vegas

L’ancien roi de LA, Jonathan Quick, parle de rejoindre les Golden Knights de Vegas. 3 mars 2023

L’ancien gardien de but des Kings de Los Angeles Jonathan Quick, première entrevue avec les médias après avoir rejoint les Golden Knights de Vegas. 3 mars 2023. #JonathanQuick #VGK #LAKings


  1. Kings fan here..wow..this has been tough to absorb. When your team finally wins The Cup..it’s moments you remember ever after. Quick was amazing cornerstone ..Wishing him all the best.

    Ironic personally as when Luc was being traded to Pittsburgh back in the 90’s..he was walking around in our office at practice rink in disbelief. No one had contacted him directly at that point. We gave him a farewell party. 🥅🏒🏆💥🌿

  2. i cant believe it i still cant believe it, i know for certain hes gonna kill us if we meet in the pac title game

  3. This situation is painful. Since the trade was announced I've not heard a word from Quick – and am glad we are able to. I heard him talk more in that interview than I think I've ever heard him talk, lol.

    He choked up about 5 times. Doesn't help that was the reporters' intention. Referring to the Kings as "we", the shock factor, mentioning twice that they felt they needed to "move on without him, so he has to move on" was very painful. Will always be the biggest Quick fan. Just not the biggest VGK fan. I hope he catches up in his game and gets to play more there and finish his career how he wants. I still feel the LA Kings really did him wrong with the trade and how it was handled, and the interview confirms my suspicions. I understand the team/business aspect, and preferred seeing Copley play this year, obviously, but it still hurts. This sucks. Hard.

  4. Quick is actually one of the few goalies in the league that is worth watching play because he's not a boring robot butterfly goalie, he actually makes kick saves and pad stack saves, he uses some stand-up goalie techniques.

  5. Quick will always be a King. Blake won’t be GM forever. Glad CBJ and VGK took care of him. I’m ashamed of how the Kings treated him.

  6. Good to see him and hear from him. He is not a big talker never has been, he lets his play on the ice speak for him, despite the bad year he had. I hope he finds his game and goes out on top of his game the way we all remember him. Best goalie to ever do it in a Kings uni, by all accounts a great teammate and I am sure he will easily fit in well. I will forever be grateful for him helping to bring 2 cups to LA!

    Side note, he mentioned the 3 new guys staying at the hotel…where do guys stay out in Vegas in a situation like this? or the teams that visit Vegas on a road trip? Are they on the strip near the arena or in a more long term residence place near practice facility? Always been curious about the accommodations in Vegas

  7. He didn't expect it. He had an emotional bond with the Kings. They did him dirty just like Vegas did to Fleury. Quickie is gonna be on fire when he faces LA.
    Vegas Golden Knights fans love our Players and give you a warm welcome to the Fortress!

  8. he pouted and got his way these guys are all spoiled millionaires

  9. Best wishes Quickie, I am so glad that you are getting a chance to play meaningful games. You are a Kings legend.

  10. Man you can see him trying to hold it together the entire interview so sad to see him go as a longtime Kings fan but sometimes business hurts I spose

  11. Kings fan here. Man, he seems crushed. Kept referring to Vegas as "them". I wish him the best. Gonna miss ya, Quicky.

  12. I am excited to have him here. He is really mad at LA but he knew he has to be nice

  13. Quick is one of my favorites in the last 10 years. Always loved his style. Most goalies are cookie cutter robots. Quick still one of the few that is fun to watch!!

  14. Best of the saddest situation. Still rooting for him no matter where he goes <33

  15. Damn bro as a Kings fan my whole life, as a kid watching quick join the team up until now being an adult and seeing him go just hurts… should have retired a king but hey shit happens… Thanks for everything quickie it be sick to play vegas in the playoffs and see how that match up goes. Good luck quickie

  16. Strange to see him talking about another team and being excited to be there. Always a KING! Mahalo for the 2 cups!!!

  17. We were not Kings fans anyway, we were Quick fans. Go JQ wherever you play!❤️🔥💪👍

  18. Thing is LA and Vegas ain’t to far away from each other couple hours compared to Columbus a few states away so Vegas is probably good for quick his family still close and he goes to a team that will play in the playoffs.

  19. If the knights were not so smug..in thinking flurry was not the answer they would not be in the situatiin…goaltending is certainly weak point….and old man quick is not the answer

  20. Quick is a has been an I am getting tired of all these so called hockey players saying they don’t want to go here there, are they special No if you don’t like the team retire because this just screws up the whole league, without owners they would be playing pond hockey for nothing.

  21. Credit to the Blue Jackets for doing what they needed to do, because Quick probably made it clear that he wasn't going to report to Columbus anyway, and if they pushed him to do so, he would simply choose to retire from the NHL on the spot.
    That's why he was on the team plane back to Los Angeles with the rest of the Kings, instead of staying in Winnipeg for a flight to Columbus.
    Vegas is the perfect spot for him for now.
    Going to Anaheim would have been even closer but they are not a playoff team.

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