@Kings de Los Angeles

Le capitaine des LA Kings Anze Kopitar et le capitaine suppléant Drew Doughty parlent aux médias

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  1. Sad to see Quick go but, unfortunately, it appears that father time has caught up with him. He is no longer an elite goaltender. In fact, his numbers are such that he’s no longer an average goaltender. I’ll always be grateful to him for being instrumental in bringing two Stanley Cups and I wish him the best (except when he’s playing against the Kings).

  2. I appreciate how honest they're both being about the whole situation.

  3. Both of them look absolutely crushed. Wonder how much restraint it took from them calling out Blake…

  4. Hope your happy Blake …..now quick is a golden knight and if he takes them far into the playoffs including knocking us out if we end up meeting your done son

  5. Don't like VGK, but if L.A. meet the VGK in the playoffs, I'm cheering for Vegas. Be nice if Quick plays and beat the Kings and eliminate them in the playoffs.

  6. Get over it. It's business, not personal. He's gonna be looking to stone you guys when we play Vegas. so, move on.

  7. let's be really real here. quick has been horrible for the past 3 years at least. just because they are close doesn't mean the trade was wrong. blame quick for playing poorly enough to get traded. think about this. if he was still playing well enough, do you think he would be traded? hell no. as a king fan, thanks for the memories quick, but time to MOVE FORWARD.

  8. Just found out Quick has gone. The best goaltender we've ever had. Age caught up, what a legend. Just Drew & Kopi left from our Cup winning teams

  9. Ohhhh that fire is gonna be HHHHOOOOOTTTTTTT! Wouldn't be surprised if Blake calls in sick that day.

  10. Watched Quicky and got to know him when he was here in Manchester with the Monarchs. Great guy….great career.

  11. If the Kings meet Vegas in the playoffs, Quickie could get the last laugh. Unfortunately it's a business and probably the right move. Gonna miss Quickie. Tough move for sure.

  12. This coming from a hardcore fan since '75 (from the 110 along Manchester); my heart breaks for Kopitar and Doughty. Quick and Vachon were the two best goaltenders; each better than that other in different respects. I was lucky to see Rogie and Jonathan play. I was also lucky to hear Bob Miller and him saying: "those uniforms are terrible, they look like bananas out there".

  13. Waited for this interview since I heard…Quick will always be my #1….I watched the 2012 finals and my whole house cheered with every save…thanx guys for chatting with us.

  14. The Kings are fighting the Knights for first place, so what do they do? Trade their career goaltender to them! Brilliant. The Rams Super Bowl win, a year ago, is the last championship this city is going to see for awhile. Maybe the Dodgers figure out, it's better to win the most games in the playoffs, than in the regular season.

  15. I’m so sick to hear that Blake and the Kings are classless. I get it, we all have our favorite players. I have had many being a Kings fan since year one. From Juda Widing, Simmer, Carpenter, Duguay, Krushelynski, Granato, Glen Murray, Deadmarsh to Kopitar. So I can feel what other Kings/Quick fans are feeling. I thought that he was going to retire as a King. I was shocked when I found out about the trade but also knew that he wanted to play after this year. So in a way he put the Kings in an awkward position. I know that fans are saying that Blake should have waited for the off season to get these players but these players may not be available anymore. And as for Chychrun, again, fans are saying that Blake missed out that he should have waited. But the reason that the price went down on Chychrun was because the Kings made their trade. Arizona thought they had the Kings cause the Kings wanted Chychrun so bad. The price was 3 1st round picks, Durzi and Brandt Clarke. Now you know damn well that if Blake would have made that trade, he would have been bad talked about that trade. Quickie, thank you from the bottom of our ❤’s … You’re the Kings Boat in goal and always will be. Without you the Cup would have never come to LA.

  16. I'm upset too Quickie being traded, but you have to press on. Unfortunately Quick's number this season has been abysmal so unfortunately his contract has to be moved since perhaps there are no takers on Petersen's contract. Blake and Management Team were hedging Cal will be the heir apparent but sadly was demoted instead and had to reset on the fly.

  17. I don’t mind that they traded him but it’s how they went abt it. That was just so disrespectful to a Kings legend

  18. All you guys have to do is get LGBTQ+ players on the team. Diversity=good. Right? Get blacks, gays, lesbians, queers, trans players…you will win!

  19. Gosh…i hope these two will be ok.
    I mean…it's like they're making $10M per year each…
    ….and it's not like they live nearby each other…
    …so, because of those reasons, they should be really, really sad and just fall apart, give up on the season.
    What's that?
    They ARE making $10M a season and are neighbors still???
    What is this display?
    My Lord.
    Give me a break.

  20. he’s reunited with marty now, we’ll take care of him as a knight (and hopefully get him another cup)

  21. So you want to be the players and the GM. Very interesting indeed. Everyone wants to be LeBron.

  22. Quick was known by a couple guys on the current roster. Quick after his injury, never had it. Lately, every goal against him was "a bad bounce." It was time, Copley wins four in a row, then Quick comes in and loses. Being friends doesn't win the SC.

  23. His 2012 run was legendary. Best run by a goalie to the cup ever imo. I suddenly hate vegas slightly less

  24. The way Blake handled this whole thing was BS smh.. first of all- to NOT communicate with Quick regarding a trade is ridiculous and disrespectful- the guy's a Kings LEGEND who'll have a statue erected outside of Staples among the hallowed, and then you're gonna give him a f….n call to tell him he's gone?? To Columbus of all teams??! Idiot move to say the least..

  25. I would love to know what Drew as thinking when the question came about coach getting fired and Carter being traded, he had a different smirk when he looked to Kopi to answer it.
    Wouldn't want to have to deal with losing Quick from their side..found it hard enough myself. But respect the fact of trying to get better. Can see they are trying to look at it the same way

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