@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Jakob Chychrun a récemment acquis avant son premier match à domicile des Sénateurs

Jakob Chychrun fera ses débuts à domicile ce soir à Ottawa alors que les Sénateurs affronteront les Blue Jackets. Le défenseur nouvellement acquis dit que la transition a été facile pour lui et qu’il est excité pour un nouveau départ avec une équipe qui a l’opportunité de construire quelque chose de spécial.


  1. With the addition of Chychrun, let us know if you think the Senators will make the playoffs this year.
    Comment down below 👇

  2. It's going to take time to learn systems and build chemistry, but I'm sure he'll be a great fit for the team!

  3. Cool to see him able to see a bunch of his family on a regular basis now, he must be so happy.
    Fantastic player

  4. I see a very bright future for the sens I really like the group they have

  5. I'm gonna miss you Chych, but I'll still be rooting for you! AZ loves you, thanks for everything!
    I hope you find success in Ottawa, let's go Sens! – A Coyotes fan

  6. 2:43 I'm sorry but did they already give him a nickname? Pretty sure I heard Chychy, anyone else? 😂

  7. Love to see when a big name like this really wants to be here, very impressed with his play so far. GO SENS!

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