@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’équipe des médias sociaux des Nashville Predators a tué un homme.

L’équipe des médias sociaux des Nashville Predators a tué un homme.



  1. sonicaxura

    I’ve been saying for months whoever’s running the twitter account needs a raise ☠️

  2. ineedabuttrub

    So a person who played for 2 seasons in college is somehow worse than a team having no cups in 25 years?

  3. Lexiw14

    If you’re gonna dish it you gotta take it

  4. ItsVivid_16

    Predators try not to brag about beating the worst teams in the league challenge (impossible)

  5. TheZebrraKing

    I never really got the “we have more cups/you don’t have any cups” argument. Yea maybe it is valid for the avs and lighting becuase they won a cup recently. Outside of that so? Still never fully got it

  6. angiezieglerstye

    Hello, 911? I’d like to report a homicide.

  7. CasuallyObssesed

    I thought he killed them, then I swiped. . . . Oooooff

  8. jkman61494

    I’m honestly curious how they found the guys name?

  9. DivClassLg

    Nashville is the real loser. Trotz as GM. Get ready for alot of boring ass hockey. So much fun watching the fastest sport played at a snail’s pace.

  10. Ready-steady

    My god what a savage mother fucker.. this is something I would do.

  11. I’m stupid, someone explain this to me? All I see is some player stats, but not the player name? What is happening?

  12. TheMoronicGenius

    Well to be fair, they are predators. They hunt their prey and go for the kill when in sight.

  13. pinkwhitney24

    I absolutely fucking love this…read the game notes bud!

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