@Wild du Minnesota

Deux paires défensives du Minnesota dans le top dix pour les buts les plus bas contre des paires défensives avec au moins 300 minutes jouées ensemble

Deux paires défensives du Minnesota dans le top dix pour les buts les plus bas contre des paires défensives avec au moins 300 minutes jouées ensemble



  1. _BeerAndCheese_

    Yeah but I once saw Dumba turn the puck over once so he’s not even worth 2 mil

  2. DrummerForTheOsmonds

    « Perhaps I treated you too harshly » – Me, an idiot, to Dumba

  3. McLovin--

    Dumba had some rough mistakes and bad games til he got benched. I almost don’t really notice him anymore but he cut the bad penalties and turnovers out of his game completely lately like a switch got flipped.

  4. Boroxion

    I’ve actually been noticing Dumba in our end of the ice in positive ways recently. Lots of pretty good zone exits and board battles

  5. Otterslayer22

    Dumba has been much better lately.

    Also… and this is important. Brodin is very very good. Like so good he makes Dumba a top ranked defender.

  6. BoricuaBeef

    Wait, but this doesn’t fit our narrative!? Clearly it’s only one player making the other look good, right?!?! Right!?!

    One thing to note with this stat even more is that out of this top 20, both the Wild pairings are in the top 3 for TOI. If Klingberg fills out well in our third d-pairing, our defense is good, maybe even great. Figure out what the hell is going on in relation to our 5v5 scoring and this is a team that can compete in the playoffs. If that team shows up or if the one that shows up last year is a different story however.

    Nevertheless, I hope the constant doomsayers are eating some crow.


    Who do y’all think Faber will slot in for when he finishes up at MN?

  8. Rhysing

    Alot of people with the ‘Dumba haters in shambles’ takes are grossly underappreciating Brodin being the best defensive dman in the league. Dumba is a spaz with the puck. He’s been better lately but he is significantly carried.

  9. sambes06

    I don’t know how to square this with how many shots we give up every game.

  10. ssiinneepp

    Their expected goals against per 60 is almost double that, and the worst out of Wild’s three pairings.

    Does that mean they are outperforming the metrics, boosted by Gustavsson or just lucky? I can’t say.

  11. wildskater96

    If they can do this in the playoffs we might actually win a series.

  12. nuthincleverhere

    It is my opinion that stat is 70% Brodin, and 30% Dumba. I’m not a Dumba hater, but he sure gets penalties and at the worst possible times.

  13. _nordstar_

    Maybe Dumba isn’t as bad as we think he is and everyone over reacts to his mistakes.

  14. Dumba has been trash for the last 2 years.

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