@Capitals de Washington

J’ai enfin reçu mes faux billets pour le jeu Ovi 801/802. Au début, j’étais un peu confus quant à la raison pour laquelle les sièges n’étaient pas les bons.

J’ai enfin reçu mes faux billets pour le jeu Ovi 801/802. Au début, j’étais un peu confus quant à la raison pour laquelle les sièges n’étaient pas les bons.



  1. Knight_Hawke

    Was pretty disappointed when we received ours

  2. lahuffman22

    They are so cheap and ugly. What a waste of paper. We have been season ticket holder for years and ore Covid tickets were always cool looking—was hoping they were going to look like that

  3. Linds278

    I forgot about them until mine just showed up today lol pretty disappointing, I thought there would at least be a design on the ticket or something. Like they couldn’t even spare the ink to print the caps logo in color

  4. ImaRealBird

    Got mine today. In case any non season ticketholders bought verified resale via TM and wondered if they would still be delivered, they do/did.

  5. fuzzypyrocat

    Just got mine today as well. They bent the envelope so it has a crease in it, and it looks super plain. Glad it was free from the arena. I’d be a bit upset if I paid for it.

    EDIT: I also just noticed they put the same seats on the tickets. Why did they ask what seats I was in if they were just gonna print the same ticket??

  6. mcflyfly

    Got mine today, too

    Edit: hey, I guess we all had the same seats

  7. Courage04D

    As someone that kept every ticket of every game I have been to I miss paper tickets.

  8. Zakharski

    I was beginning to think they weren’t coming! Thanks for sharing will be on the lookout for mine 🌈

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