@Avalanche du Colorado

Réflexions sur les combos de ligne de ce soir

Réflexions sur les combos de ligne de ce soir



  1. KG-Bran

    I really like Nieto with the 2nd line. He’s been a good fit with Rant. E-Rod has been bad in that spot.

    I think Newhook should stay with the 3rd line. I don’t get forcing Eller into that spot.

  2. II_Keyez_II

    Was Bo created in a lab in 2001?

  3. briggch

    I’m not sure if this is just trying to mix things up to get a little chemistry going, or trying to send a message to some players. Either way, I don’t think it is possible for them to play any worse than they have for the past 2 games. To say it has been garbage is being demeaning to garbage.

  4. Avs4life16

    man we are small on the back end

  5. mitch-dubz

    I don’t know. I really enjoyed the Cogs, Newy, LOC line from a few games ago!

  6. KotaMcc

    Have I been pronouncing Girards name wrong this entire time??

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