@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Alter] Sheldon Keefe dit que Ryan O’Reilly sera absent avec un doigt cassé et continue sur LTI

[Alter] Sheldon Keefe dit que Ryan O’Reilly sera absent avec un doigt cassé et continue sur LTI



  1. Deluxechin

    So he’s done until the playoffs

  2. I’m gonna guess 4 weeks until he’s back.

  3. mking098

    I immediately googled how long it takes to recover from a broken finger and cringed.

  4. wageslave_999999999

    This was not the worst scenario, a broken hand would have been much worse.

  5. TheCarrier89

    Lmao fuck this team is legitimately cursed and no one can convince me otherwise. It’s actually hilarious.

  6. NiteOwlI

    WebMD: “A broken thumb or finger usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks to heal. It can be 3 to 4 months before regular strength returns to the hand or digit.”

  7. That game was a real shit show for us

  8. Jonesdeclectice

    IMO he’s back immediately following the 24 days, which I expect will be retroactive to yesterday, which suggests he’ll be back for the April 1st game @ Ottawa.

  9. thewolfshead

    On a shot from Matthews too. Just a cursed ass franchise.

  10. NopeItsDolan

    O’reilly will probably push hard to get back. But with this is shows that the Leafs should have focused on shoring up the forwards, not the D.

  11. robertrankin13

    No need to panic. 10 games would see him back on the 29th against the Panthers. 2-4 weeks is standard for a broken finger and we have time to let him rest during a busy period and get cap relief. Still nine games left after that point.

  12. wiles_CoC


    Anything about Matthews? He must have a black and blue knee.

  13. EntryDiligent6908

    4-6 weeks baby let’s start counting. Should be back in time for game 1!

  14. Clugaman

    If it was gonna happen it’s good that it’s happening now instead of later. ROR and Tavares will be good to go come playoff time instead of missing it.

  15. justintime99420

    If it’s any comfort the lightning are all banged up to lol

  16. HemiKooks

    Load manage JT and Matthews then too. Nobody is chasing any individual achievements this year. Sit guys, rest guys…I really don’t care.

    Go into round 1 fully healthy and ready to rock

  17. Hulkcini

    I’m generally an optimist so here we go:

    1) This team rallies around injuries – the best seems to be brought out of this team when they are down a couple key guys. They are going to play a good game tomorrow. They seem to find ways to win games you don’t expect them to.

    2) ROR will be back at the end of the 10 games – with extra rest to push for the playoffs.

    3) Tavares is a one-off game. Probably just a few bumps and bruises and having a game off to manage it is not a bad thing.

    4) Tampa going through their struggles (Hedman could be out for some time for them as well) at the same time helps.

  18. anthonylabatt

    That game was an old fashioned beat down in every sense of the term. Teams that will not make the playoffs still have an opportunity to make an impact into the playoffs and this could be the case for Vancouver this past weekend.

  19. dingleberry51

    He’s back for playoffs, relax people

  20. JamesCurtis24

    On the bright side, that’s 10 games where he can get an injury that would put him out the entire season?

    Lol. It should hopefully be enough time to get back and up to speed. I have to imagine he can still at least skate and keep himself in shape.

  21. something1355

    What happened to the head shot rule??

  22. chodgson111

    Season doesn’t start for another 6 weeks anyway.

  23. Throwawayaway23848

    Goddamn it, I think I’m willing to just forfeit every Vancouver game from now on. We don’t win there anyways, and our players get battered half the time Lmaoo

    At least Reilly should be back come playoff time

  24. sirlucd

    Canucks not only clobbered the hell out of us physically, but out of 3 core players. O’Reilly, Matthews and Tavares all left that game aching.

  25. dramatic-piglet777

    Ugh thank god it’s a broken finger not hand.

    Rest of big man.

  26. thismadhatter

    No big deal. He’ll be ready for April.

  27. man_in_the_suit

    I’m not a doomer but boy is it hard to follow this team at times. Even when it’s good it’s painful.

  28. GoatStimulator_

    The amount of downvotes I got for saying O’Reilly will probably be an injury prone rental player with minimal impact was astounding. Hopefully he comes back strong, but that trade isn’t looking great

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