@Blues de Saint-Louis

Jonathan Drouin

Tout le monde pense [Jonathan Drouin](https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/118657/jonathan-drouin) pourrait être sur le radar de l’armée pour la saison morte ? J’ai entendu dire par le passé que l’Armée est fan de Drouin. Bien sûr, le gars n’a pas été à la hauteur de son pedigree de repêchage, mais on dirait qu’il peut être un joueur à 40-50 points. Selon le prix, j’accueillerais la signature. Pourrait s’insérer dans le LW ou le Centre en fonction de l’apparence de notre équipe lorsque la saison prochaine sera dite et terminée. Pensées?



  1. Tizzycrusher

    Depends on term, if they can get him for a year to trade at the deadline seems like a decent bet.

  2. OrganizedSpontaneity

    As a Blues fan first Habs fan second

    Fuck no. Absolutely the fuck not

  3. MrTuesdayNight1

    If he’s willing to sign a two-way deal. We probably won’t have a slot in the Top 9 for him.

  4. I wouldn’t say that Armstrong is a fan of Drouin. Back when we were extremely close to trading for Drouin, that was based on his potential upside. Since that’s gone, I’m really not sure that Armstrong would see a fit for him on the team.

  5. bigbopperz

    Like the discussion. I feel like Doug has a plan and I’m curious all the names will be talked about over the next ~year even

  6. I was interested 5 years ago, now not so much

  7. JohnDivney

    Army said in the last pre-game they don’t expect to play the FA market this summer.

  8. Drogo10

    As a Habs fan, I sure fucking hope so. He’s where offense goes to die and is frequently injured.

  9. STL_Saint00

    I wouldn’t even consider him for a center position. there’s a reason he’s only taken 1k face offs 1 time and since that season he’s played 225 games and only taken 400 face offs (and hasn’t been very productive at it)

    i’m less worried about his offensive production but next season they need a 3c and Drouin can’t be it.

    also, I think Armstrong is looking for 1 year contracts at a minimal amount- I saw someone suggest 5×5, that’s even more unrealistic

    Vrana- Schenn- Saad
    Kapanen- ???? – Neighbours/????
    (or any combination)

  10. Lazy-Environment-964

    Personally I think Army’s priority for next year is to get the young guns some NHL experience, I would expect a combination of 4 of: Alexandrov, Toropchenko, Snuggerud, Neighbours, or Bolduc to make the team out of camp next year
    EDIT: I suppose Neighbours and Toropchenko are both regular roster players already, and I imagine without any pro experience yet… Snuggerud starts as the odd man out

  11. Skill_Deficiency

    Bad plan. Let’s not do this.

  12. txlgnd34

    If I’m remembering correctly, he whined and cried and hissy-fitted his way out of Tampa.

    He’s the last thing we need in our locker room.

  13. Dark_Tint

    I’d be more interested in DeBrincat. He’s going to be an RFA and I’ve heard that he doesn’t want to resign in Ottawa and doesn’t want to play for a Canadian team. He’s 25 and had good start and can score. It would obviously cost to get his contract rights but I think he’d fit good with Thomas & Kyrou.

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